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Selection Quizzes (English)

Note: This quiz covers more than one selection.

1.What was the most significant aspect of Douglass's life during his seven years in Baltimore?
He made his first anti-slavery speeches.
He persuaded Mrs. Auld to become an abolitionist.
He learned about the stories in the Bible.
He learned how to read and write.

2.How did Douglass continue his education once his mistress stopped teaching him?
His white playmates helped him in exchange for food.
The Auld's young son continued with the tutoring.
He found a teacher in the shipyard who helped him learn.
He had to sneak into the Auld's library in order to study.

3.What book did Douglass buy for fifty cents?
The Life of George Washington
Columbian Orator
the Bible
a book about the history of Baltimore

4.What happened to Douglass as he became more knowledgable?
He became more discontent.
He came to enjoy his life with the Auld family.
His hatred of slavery diminished.
He began teaching other slaves how to read and write.

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