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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.The doctor tells Susanna to tell Parris to look where for the cause of Betty's illness?
to the Native Americans
to something she ate in the forest
to unnatural things
to the bible

2.Why does Parris tell everyone not to mention the possibility that witchcraft might be involved?
He is afraid for his own safety.
He is afraid his enemies in the church would use it against him.
He is afraid the town's people would take Betty from him.
He doesn't want Betty to be upset.

3.What does Abigail initially say she and the other girls were doing in the woods?
They were simply dancing.
They were playing games.
They were conjuring the dead.
The were looking for herbs.

4.What in Mrs. Putnam's past leads her to believe that the devil is at work in Salem?
She herself once came under the devil's influence.
She has seen some of the young women flying in the woods.
She has lost seven infants soon after birth.
She has heard noises coming from the forest.

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