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Intimate Relationships, Marriages, and Families Cover Image
Intimate Relationships, Marriages, and Families, 5/e
Mary K. DeGenova
Philip F. Rice

Pregnancy and Childbirth


abruptio placentae  The premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.
Apgar score  A widely used system to evaluate the physical condition of the newborn, named after the originator, Virginia Apgar.
bag of water (amniotic sac)  Sac containing the fluid in which the fetus is suspended.
bonding  Development of emotional attachment between the mother and newborn immediately after birth.
breech birth  When the buttocks or feet are the first part of the baby to pass through the vagina.
cesarean section  Removal of the fetus by incising the abdominal and uterine wall.
ectopic pregnancy  Attachment of the blastocyst and growth of the embryo in any location other than inside the uterus.
HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)  A hormone produced by the placenta that, if present in the mother's urine, is an indication of pregnancy.
labor  Rhythmic muscular contractions of the uterus that expel the baby.
Naegele's formula  A method of calculating the expected date of birth by subtracting three months from the first day of the last period and adding seven days.
placenta previa  The placenta growing partly or all the way over the opening to the cervix, usually causing abruptio placentae.
positive signs  Signs of pregnancy detected by the physician that indicate positively that the woman is pregnant.
presumptive signs  Signs by which the mother presumes she is pregnant.
probable signs  Signs detected by the examining physician that indicate pregnancy is probable.
Rh incompatibility  A condition in which the mother has Rh negative blood and the fetus has Rh positive blood or vice versa.
rooming in  Method of postpartum care in which the mother and father care for their newborn themselves in an area of the hospital assigned to them.
show  Blood-tinged mucus that is passed when the mucus plug is expelled; an early sign of labor.
toxemia  A serious disease of pregnancy.
transverse birth  When the shoulder and arm of the baby are the first parts seen at the opening of the vagina.
tubal pregnancy  Attachment of the blastocyst and growth of the embryo in the fallopian tube.
umbilical cord  The hollow cord connecting the circulation system of the fetus to the placenta.