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Intimate Relationships, Marriages, and Families Cover Image
Intimate Relationships, Marriages, and Families, 5/e
Mary K. DeGenova
Philip F. Rice

Family Backgrounds and How They Influence Us


attachment theory  Theory suggesting that early interactions with parents lead to the formation of attachments that reflect children's perceptions of their own self-worth and their expectations about intimate relationships.
gender role  The outward manifestation and expression of maleness or femaleness in a social setting.
generational transmission  The process by which one generation passes knowledge, values, attitudes, roles, and habits to the next generation.
observational modeling  The process by which children observe, imitate, and model the behavior of others around them.
reciprocal parent-child interaction  The influence of the parent on the child and the child on the parent so that each modifies the behavior of the other.
social learning theory  A theory emphasizing that boys develop "maleness" and girls develop "femaleness" through exposure to scores of influence-including parents, peers, television, and schools-that teach them what it means to be a man or a woman in their culture.