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Contexts for Criticism, 4/e
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Historical Criticism II: Culture as Context

Essay Questions


Professional historians have criticized Foucault and the New Historicists for a lack of methodological rigor and objectivity; certain Marxist critics (like Frederic Jameson) argue that the lack of an underlying theory of history is a fundamental limit upon the insights of New Historicist research. In what ways does New Historicism critique the epistemological premises of traditional historiography? How does the charge of epistemological relativism undermine the revisionist/activist agenda of the New Historicist?

New Historicists refuse to separate "canonical" literature from other forms of discourse. By what criteria, then, would a New Historicist critic isolate areas of research? How do these criteria redefine the concept of a "canonical" text? (would those texts which most intensely manifest the "social energies" of their time therefore constitute a canon of their own?) Can the concept of a canonical period serve as a viable alternative to the canonical text?