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Performance Anxiety and the Famous.
Complete the Mix and Match the Stage Fright Quote Activity.

Discussion Even famous, accomplished performers can suffer from performance anxiety. Often, speech students feel they are the only ones who feel nervous, and that everyone is handling it better than they are. The truth is that most people feel some degree of speech anxiety; in fact, about 85% of the population fears public speaking. Knowing that you're not alone can be very comforting. Many of these performers cope with the same feelings you do. Dealing with speech anxiety effectively means confronting your fear directly and implementing specific strategies to combat it. The text lists several very effective options for managing your fear, including: banishing self-defeating thoughts, not expecting perfection, preparing and practicing, adopting a non-competitive orientation, implementing positive coping statements and visualization, and even trying systematic de-sensitization. With all the myriad ways of coping to choose from, you can definitely learn to use your fear as a springboard to a great performance. While you're working on it, just remember that you're in very good company!

Websites for consideration: - This comprehensive site offers quotes from a variety of performers on stage fright, along with many helpful suggestions for coping.

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