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Online "Avoiding Visual Aids Distractions" Exercise

Instructions: Chapter Seventeen explains how visual aids can enhance a presentation. They can explain difficult concepts or provide an image of something with which people are unfamiliar. They provide visual interest, help speakers get away from their notes, and even help reduce speech anxiety by having the audience focus on something other than the person at the podium. Nonetheless, visual aids must be used competently to be effective.

There are many potential pitfalls in constructing and using visual aids. Check out to see some of the more common ones.

In summary: It's actually not difficult to make a visual aid that is enlightening, interesting and easy to incorporate into your speech. The text suggests several different types of visual aids and explains the potential problems of each. By carefully matching your aid with what you're trying to get across, you will bypass many of the more common visual aid problems.

Also, be mindful of the competent ways to use your visual aid. Make sure it's neat, simple, and easily seen. Don't block the audience's view and remember to put the aid away when you're not using it. Always resist the urge to pass your visual aid around the audience. Lastly, practice using your aid so that when your presentation arrives you'll be relaxed and ready to go. By following these simple dos and don'ts, you can be assured of having visual aids that will definitely add interest and appeal to any speech you give.

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