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Contemporary's GED Social Studies
Kenneth Tamarkin
Jeri W. Bayer

GED Score Conversion Chart

To see if you are ready for the actual GED Social Studies Test, use the conversion chart below to determine your GED score. Count the number of questions you answered correctly on the GED Practice Test and find that number in the top row below. Read down to find your GED standard score in the bottom row.

Correct Answers25242322212019181716151413121110987654321
Standard Score800690620580560540520500490470460450430420410390380360350330310290270240200

The minimum score requirement for the Social Studies Test is 410. A standard score that is at or below the minimum indicates that more study is needed before taking the Social Studies Test.

Use the following chart to determine the areas you need to review before taking the test. Make note of any items you answered incorrectly and find them in the chart. Pay particular attention to areas where you missed half or more of the questions. For those questions that you missed, review the indicated skill pages in Contemporary's GED Social Studies.

Content AreaComprehension
(see pages 27–42)
(see pages 43–58)
(see pages 59–98)
(see pages 99–115)
U.S. History
(see pages 119–156 and 183–215)
1, 8-------2, 233, 9
World History
(see pages 119–156 and 283–326)
12, 13-------1415
(see pages 157–181)
4-------5, 10, 11-------
Civics and Government
(see pages 183–215)
-------6, 20, 227, 2116
(see pages 217–251)
-------17, 2519, 2418