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QuickBooks 2015 and Excel 2013
(See related pages)

What do I do if My QuickBooks 2015 files will not export to Excel 2013? Check to see if your Excel 2013 installation is a 32-bit or 64-bit installation.

How do I tell if I have a 32-bit or 64-bit install of Excel? In Excel, go to the File menu and choose Help. In the first screen, you'll see a section called "About Microsoft Excel". The "Version" line will tell you whether you have 32 bit or 64 bit Excel.

How do I uninstall 64-bit and install 32-bit Excel? (from a Microsoft support engineer)
You uninstall Excel 64 bit, or the Office suite if that's what you have, reboot, then install from your 32 bit DVD or installation file.
Assuming it's a retail version it uses the same Key.
Run the 'Fix It' tool available under 'Office suites' from the link below.
This will remove all the installed components of Office from the machine.
Note: Before running the 'fix it' tool make sure that you have the disk or the download link and the product key to reinstall Office.

Once you have uninstalled Office you may use the installation source file and the product key to reinstall Office 32 bit version on your computer.

You cannot mix 32 bit and 64 bit Office apps on the same computer.

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