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BioNow Videos

Cell Size
Cell Division
Characteristics of Life
Deer Autopsy
Energy Part I
Energy Part II
Energy Part III
Enzymes and Fungi
Hard Winter
Hormones and Gene Expression
Properties of Water
Salt Water Filter

Chapter 2
Ionic and Covalent Bonds
Hydrogen Bonds
Protein Denaturation
Levels of Protein Organization
DNA Structure

Chapter 3
Endosymbiotic Theory
Membrane Transport: Lipid Bilayer
Membrane Transport: Diffusion
How Diffusion Works
Osmosis and Tonicity
Hemolysis and Crenation
Membrane Transport: Osmosis
How Osmosis Works
How Facilitated Diffusion Works
Membrane Transport: Active Transport
How the Sodium-Potassium Pump Works
Sodium-Potassium Pump
Endocytosis and Exocytosis
Endomembrane System
Biochemical Pathways
Feedback Inhibition
Enzyme Action and the Hydrolysis of Sucrose
Energy of Activation
How the NAD+ Works
Cellular Respiration Overview
Cellular Respiration: Glycolysis
How Glycolysis Works
How the Krebs Cycle Works
Cellular Respiration: Citric Acid Cycle
Cellular Respiration: Electron Transport Chain
Electron Transport Chain and ATP Synthesis

Chapter 4
Negative Feedback
Feedback Mechanisms

Chapter 5
Cardiac Cycle
Conducting System of the Heart
Baroreceptor Reflex Control of Blood Pressure
Capillary Exchange
Fluid Exchange Across the Walls of Capillaries

Chapter 6
Fluid Exchange Across the Walls of Capillaries

Chapter 7
Inflammatory Response
Inflammatory Response
Activation of Complement
Antiviral Activity of Interferon
B Cell Clonal Selection
Antibody Diversity
Monoclonal Antibody Production
Cytotoxic T-Cell Activity
T Cell Clonal Selection
Constructing Vaccines

Chapter 8
Binary Fission
Viral Entry into Host Cells
How Prions Arise
Prion Diseases
Replication Cycle of a Retrovirus
Entry of a Virus into a Host Cell
HIV Replication
Treatment of HIV Infection

Chapter 9
Organs of Digestion
Three Phases of Gastric Secretion
Enzyme Action and the Hydrolysis of Sucrose
Hormonal Control of Digestion
Anatomy of a Food Label
B Vitamins

Chapter 10
External and Internal Respiration
Changes in the Partial Pressure of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
Gas Exhange During Respiration

Chapter 11
Urine Formation

Chapter 12
Bone Growth

Chapter 13
Skeletal Muscle Contraction: Muscle Anatomy
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
Sarcomere Contraction
Skeletal Muscle Contraction: Sliding Filament Model
Breakdown of ATP and Cross-Bridge Movement
Skeletal Muscle Contraction: Regulation by Calcium Atoms

Chapter 14
Neuron Action Potentials
How the Sodium-Potassium Pump Works
Nerve Impulse
Neural Transmission: Resting Membrane Potential and Propagation
Voltage-Gated Channels and the Action Potential
Action Potential Propagation
Neural Transmission: Action Potential Propagation
Synaptic Cleft
Chemical Synapses
Neural Transmission: Synapse

Chapter 15
Feedback Inhibition
Effects of Sound Waves on Cochlear Structures

Chapter 16
Feedback Inhibition of Biochemical Pathways
Action of a Peptide Hormone
Second Messengers
Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action
Action of a Steroid Hormone
Hormonal Communication
Mechanism of Thyroxine Action
Glucocorticoid Hormones
Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetics

Chapter 17
Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis
Ovarian Cycle
How the HIV Infection Cycle Works

Chapter 18
Fetal Development and Risk
Prion Disease

Chapter 19
How the Cell Cycle Works
Cell Cycle & Mitosis: Interphase
Control of the Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle & Mitosis: Checkpoints
Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action
Cell Cycle & Mitosis: Mitosis
Mitosis and Cytokinesis
Cell Cycle and Mitosis: Cytokinesis
Meiosis I
Meiosis: Interphase and Meiosis I
Meiosis II
Meiosis: Meiosis II
Genetic Diversity
Meiosis: Genetic Diversity
Meiosis Crossing-Over
Random Orientation of Chromosomes During Meiosis
Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
X Inactivation
Changes in Chromosome Structure
Consequence of Inversion

Chapter 20
Telomerase Function
Control of the Cell Cycle
How Tumor Suppressor Genes Block Cell Division
Tumor Suppressor Genes
Transposons: Shifting Segments of the Genome
Replication Cycle of a Retrovirus

Chapter 21
Dihybrid Cross

Chapter 22
DNA Structure
DNA Replication: DNA Structure
Meselson and Stahl Experiment
DNA Replication
DNA Replication
DNA Replication
Overview of Gene Expression
Molecular Biology of the Gene: Transcription
How Spliceosomes Process RNA
Molecular Biology of the Gene: mRNA Modifications
How Translation Works
Molecular Biology of the Gene: Translation
Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Transcription Factors
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Polymerase Chain Reaction
DNA Fingerprinting
DNA Microarray

Chapter 23
Miller-Urey Experiments
Three Domains
Primate Classification

Chapter 24
Cycling of Energy and Nutrients in an Ecosystem

Animations zipped by chapter.

Ch. 1 Animations
Ch. 2 Animations
Ch. 3 Animations
Ch. 4 Animations
Ch. 5 Animations
Ch. 6 Animations
Ch. 7 Animations
Ch. 8 Animations
Ch. 9 Animations
Ch. 10 Animations
Ch. 11 Animations
Ch. 12 Animations
Ch. 13 Animations
Ch. 14 Animations
Ch. 15 Animations
Ch. 16 Animations
Ch. 17 Animations
Ch. 18 Animations
Ch. 19 Animations
Ch. 20 Animations
Ch. 21 Animations
Ch. 22 Animations
Ch. 23 Animations
Ch. 24 Animations
Ch. 25 Animations

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