Ranade, Abhiram G
Information Center

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
An Introduction to Programming through C++

Abhiram G. Ranade

ISBN: 933290152x
Copyright year: 2014

Book ISBN : 9789332901513


This is a textbook of computer programming for first year engineering and science students. In addition to providing comprehensive coverage of the C++ language, it shows how to develop programs to solve problems from mathematics, engineering, science, operations research, and games.

  • Simplecpp helps students pictorially understand programming ideas such as recursion.

  • Complete programs are developed for many problems such as computing mathematical functions, solving systems of equations, gravitational simulation, simulation of facilities such as airports.

  • Recursion is discussed extensively, and used to design algorithms for sorting, tree based computations, backtracking.

  • Substantial coverage is given to proving correctness of programs including notions such as invariants, pre and post conditions, and potential.

  • An in-depth discussion of inheritance is provided. A program implemented earlier without recursion is implemented with recursion to show how it becomes easier to extend and generally work with.

  • Simple graphical user interfaces are developed using Simplecpp.

  • Memory management is discussed in great detail, including use of smart pointers.

  • Recent additions to C++ such as lambda expressions are discussed.

The Student’s Center contains Graphics package Simplecpp and Source codes for selected programs.

Downloadable Instructor Resource available for this title: PowerPoint Lecture Slides.

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About the Author

Abhiram G Ranade received a BTech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay in 1981 and a doctorate in Computer Science from Yale University in 1989. He was Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, during 1988-95. Since 1995, he is on the faculty of IIT Bombay, currently as Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. He has received IIT Bombay Excellence in Teaching awards in 2006-2007 and 2010-2011. He can be reached at

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