McGraw-Hill Connect: a powerful, web-based assignment management system that makes creating and grading assignments easy for you and learning convenient for students. It saves you time and makes learning for students accessible anytime, anywhere. With Connect, you can:
Quickly Make Assignments
Connect provides end-of-chapter and test bank material to select and assign online.
Instructors can create assignments easily by selecting the problems they want and adding them.
Provide Immediate Response
Connect automatically scores questions and provides students with immediate feedback on assignments.
Students can see on how they performed on each problem and how their answer compares to the correct answer in a side-by-side format.
Provide Online Practice
Instructors can assign end-of-chapter problems from the textbook for online practice and reinforcement of concepts covered in each chapter.
Student assignments are automatically graded by the system and entered into the Grade Reports.*
For each assignment, instructors are able to view individual responses and can manually change grades or leave comments for the student.
Assess Learning
Most of the end-of-chapter problems and exercises map to learning objectives, CAAHEP and ABHES standards, and Bloom's Taxonomy guidelines.
Students can complement the EHR discussions in the textbook with simulations of actual EHR software. View samples of EHR exercises from Chapter 12 (1216.0K) and Chapter 15 (3013.0K).
Instructors can select questions based on objectives they want to measure and track student performance on those same objectives.
Various reports allow instructors to see individual or aggregate statistics on assignments.
* Open ended, e.g. essay, questions can be assigned and scored manually by the instructor.
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.