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Discussion Questions
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  1. How many organizations directly affect your life today? List as many as you can.

  2. What would an organization chart of your current (or last) place of employment look like? Does the chart you have drawn reveal the hierarchy (chain of command), division of labor, span of control, and line-staff distinctions? Does it reveal anything else? Explain.

  3. Why is it appropriate to view modern organizations as open systems?

  4. Which of the three new organizational configurations probably will be most prevalent 10 to 15 years from now? Why?

  5. How would you respond to a manager who claimed the only way to measure a business's effectiveness is in terms of how much profit it makes?

  6. Why is it important to focus on the role of complacency in organizational decline?

  7. In a nutshell, what does contingency organization design entail?

  8. What is wrong with an organization having too much differentiation and too little integration?

  9. If organic organizations are popular with most employees, why can't all organizations be structured in an organic fashion?

  10. How can you tell if an organization (or subunit) is too big?

Krietner -- OBOnline Learning Center

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