1 |  |  Physiology is the study of biological function - of how the body works, from cell to tissue, tissue to organ, organ to system, and of how the organism as a whole accomplishes particular tasks essential for life. (p. 4) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
2 |  |  If a theory survives testing then it might be incorporated into a more general hypothesis.(p. 4) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
3 |  |  More than 90% of drugs tested in experimental animals are too toxic for further development and are not acceptable for further testing in the four phases of human or clinical trials. (p. 5) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
4 |  |  The term homeostasis was coined by the French physiologist, Claude Bernard. (p. 5) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
5 |  |  Homeostasis is best conceived as a state of dynamic constancy of the internal environment, in which body conditions are stabilized above and below the set point by negative feedback mechanisms. (p.6) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
6 |  |  The normal range for arterial pH in a fasting blood sample is 7.35-7.45. (p. 6) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
7 |  |  Insulin is a hormone that raises the level of glucose in the blood. (p. 7) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
8 |  |  During homeostasis, the action of effectors to amplify those changes that stimulate the effectors originally is known as negative feedback. (p. 7) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
9 |  |  "Intrinsic" regulatory mechanisms are those mechanisms that are involved in maintaining homeostasis from within, or are "built-in" to the organs being regulated. (p. 8) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
10 |  |  The chemical regulators that are secreted into the blood by the endocrine system and that produce responses in specific target organs, are called hormones. (p. 8) |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
11 |  |  Histology is the study of disease processes in the body. (p.8) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
12 |  |  The four primary tissues are muscle, bone, nervous, and epithelial tissues. (p.9) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
13 |  |  The tongue, superior portion of the esophagus, anal sphincter, and diaphragm are all composed of skeletal muscle. (p. 9) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
14 |  |  Intercalated discs are special areas of contact between adjacent muscle fibers of both myocardial cells and skeletal muscle cells. (p. 10) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
15 |  |  Peristalsis is the process of rhythmic, wavelike contractions of circular and longitudinal layers of smooth muscle that pushes food from one end of the digestive tract to the other. (p. 10) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
16 |  |  Neuroglia are not neurons - rather they are cells of nervous tissue that provide the neurons with anatomical and functional support. (p. 10) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
17 |  |  In the nervous system, there are about five times more neurons than there are supporting cells. (p. 10) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
18 |  |  Exocrine glands secrete chemicals through a duct that leads to the outside of a membrane and thus to the outside of a body surface. (p. 12) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
19 |  |  The epidermis of the skin is keratinized, or cornified stratified squamous epithelium. (p. 12) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
20 |  |  Epithelial membranes are attached to the underlying connective tissue by a layer of proteins and polysaccharides known as the basement membrane. (p. 12) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
21 |  |  The eccrine (or merocrine) sweat glands, located in the axillae (underarms) and pubic region, secrete a protein-rich fluid. (p. 13) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
22 |  |  Blood is usually classified as a type of connective tissue. (p. 13) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
23 |  |  Tendons connect bone together at joints whereas ligaments connect muscle to bone. (p. 13) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
24 |  |  Both endocrine and exocrine glands are formed from glandular epithelial membranes. (p. 14) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
25 |  |  Dentin is a highly calcified material that is harder than bone. (p. 15) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
26 |  |  The skin is the largest organ in the body due to its large surface area. (p. 16) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
27 |  |  Fat cells, such as those that comprise adipose tissue, are a type of connective tissue. (p. 15) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
28 |  |  The skin is an endocrine gland since it produces and secretes vitamin D (derived from cholesterol under the influence of ultraviolet light), which then functions as a hormone. (p. 17) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
29 |  |  Both blood plasma and interstitial tissue fluid belong to the intracellular compartment of the body. (p. 18) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
30 |  |  Adipose tissue is generally found in the dermis layer of the skin. (p. 18) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |