|  Human Physiology, 7/e Stuart I Fox,
Pierce College
Muscle: Mechanisms of Contraction and Neural Control
Chapter Objectives After
studying this chapter, students should be able to . . .
1.Describe the gross and
microscopic structure of skeletal muscles. |
 |  |  | 2.Describe the nature
of a muscle twitch and explain how summation and tetanus are produced. |
 |  |  | 3.Distinguish between
isometric and isotonic contractions. |
 |  |  | 4.Explain how the series-elastic
components affects muscle contraction. |
 |  |  | 5.Define the term motor
unit and explain how motor units are used to control muscle contraction. |
 |  |  | 6.describe the structure
of myofibrils and explain how it accounts for the striated appearance of skeletal
muscle fibers. |
 |  |  | 7.Explain what is meant
by the sliding filament theory of contraction. |
 |  |  | 8.List the events that
occur during cross-bridge cycles and describe the role of ATP in muscle contraction. |
 |  |  | 9.Explain how tropomyosin
and troponin control muscle contraction and relaxation, and describe the role
of Ca2+and the sarcoplasmic reticulum in excitation-contraction
coupling. |
 |  |  | 10.Describe the structure
and function of muscle spindles and explain the mechanisms involved in a stretch
reflex. |
 |  |  | 11.Explain the function
of Golgi tendon organs and explain why a slow, gradual muscle stretch could
avoid the spasm that may result from a rapid stretch. |
 |  |  | 12.Explain what is meant
by reciprocal innervation and describe the neural pathways involved in a crossed-extensor
reflex. |
 |  |  | 13.Explain the significance
of gamma motoneurons in the neural control of muscle contraction and in the
maintenance of muscle tone. |
 |  |  | 14.Describe the neural
pathways involved in the pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems. |
 |  |  | 15.Explain the significance
of the maximal oxygen uptake, and the function of phosphocreatine in muscles. |
 |  |  | 16.Explain how slow-twitch,
fast-twitch, and intermediate fibers differ in structure and function. |
 |  |  | 17.Describe skeletal muscle
metabolism during exercise, and explain how muscles fatigue and how muscle
fibers change as a result of physical training. |
 |  |  | 18.Compare cardiac muscle
and skeletal muscle in terms of structure and physiology. |
 |  |  | 19.Describe the structure
of smooth muscle, and explain how its contraction is regulated. |