|  Human Physiology, 7/e Stuart I Fox,
Pierce College
Cardiac Output, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure
Chapter SummaryCardiac Output - Cardiac rate is increased by sympathoadrenal stimulation and decreased by
the effects of parasympathetic fibers that innervate the SA node.
- Stroke volume is regulated both extrinsically and intrinsically.
- The Frank-Starling law of the heart describes the way the end-diastolic
volume, through various degrees of myocardial stretching, influences the
contraction strength of the myocardium and thus the stroke volume.
- The end-diastolic volume is called the preload. The total peripheral resistance,
through its effect on arterial blood pressure, provides an afterload that
acts to reduce the stroke volume.
- At a given end-diastolic volume, the amount of blood ejected depends on
contractility. Strength of contraction is increased by sympathoadrenal stimulation.
- The venous return of blood to the heart is dependent largely on the total
blood volume and mechanisms that improve the flow of blood in the veins.
- The total blood volume is regulated by the kidneys.
- The venous flow of blood to the heart is aided by the action of skeletal
muscle pumps and the effects of breathing.
Blood Volume - Tissue fluid is formed from and returns to the blood.
- The hydrostatic pressure of the blood forces fluid from the arteriolar
ends of capillaries into the interstitial spaces of the tissues.
- Since the colloid osmotic pressure of plasma is greater than tissue fluid,
water returns by osmosis to the venular ends of capillaries.
- Excess tissue fluid is returned to the venous system by lymphatic vessels.
- Edema occurs when there is an accumulation of tissue fluid.
- The kidneys control the blood volume by regulating the amount of filtered
fluid that will be reabsorbed.
- Antidiuretic hormone stimulates reabsorption of water from the kidney
filtrate and thus acts to maintain the blood volume.
- A decrease in blood flow through the kidneys activates the renin-angiotensin
- Angiotensin II stimulates vasoconstriction and the secretion of aldosterone
by the adrenal cortex.
- Aldosterone acts on the kidneys to promote the retention of salt and water.
Vascular Resistance and Blood Flow - According to Poiseuille's law, blood flow is directly related to the pressure
difference between the two ends of a vessel and is inversely related to the
resistance to blood flow through the vessel.
- Extrinsic regulation of vascular resistance is provided mainly by the sympathetic
nervous system, which stimulates vasoconstriction of arterioles in the viscera
and skin.
- Intrinsic control of vascular resistance allows organs to autoregulate their
own blood flow rates.
- Myogenic regulation occurs when vessels constrict or dilate as a direct
response to a rise or fall in blood pressure.
- Metabolic regulation occurs when vessels dilate in response to the local
chemical environment within the organ.
Blood Flow to the Heart and Skeletal Muscles - The heart normally respires aerobically because of its high capillary supply,
myoglobin content, and enzyme content.
- During exercise, when the heart's metabolism increases, intrinsic metabolic
mechanisms stimulate vasodilation of the coronary vessels and thus increase
coronary blood flow.
- Just prior to exercise and at the start of exercise, blood flow through
skeletal muscles increases due to vasodilation caused by cholinergic sympathetic
nerve fibers. During exercise, intrinsic metabolic vasodilation occurs.
- Since cardiac output can increase by a factor of five or more during exercise,
the heart and skeletal muscles receive an increased proportion of a higher
total blood flow.
- The cardiac rate increases due to lower activity of the vagus nerve and
higher activity of the sympathetic nerve.
- The venous return is greater because of higher activity of the skeletal
muscle pumps and increased breathing.
- Increased contractility of the heart, combined with a decrease in total
peripheral resistance, can result in a higher stroke volume.
Blood Flow to the Brain and Skin - Cerebral blood flow is regulated both myogenically and metabolically.
- Cerebral vessels automatically constrict if the systemic blood pressure
rises too high.
- Metabolic products cause local vessels to dilate and supply more active
areas with more blood.
- The skin has unique arteriovenous anastomoses, which can shunt the blood
away from surface capillary loops when body temperature rises.
- The activity of sympathetic nerve fibers causes constriction of cutaneous
- As a thermoregulatory response, there is increased cutaneous blood flow
and increased flow through surface capillary loops when the body temperature
Blood Pressure - Baroreceptors in the aortic arch and carotid sinuses affect, via the sympathetic
nervous system, the cardiac rate and the total peripheral resistance.
- The baroreceptor reflex causes pressure to be maintained when an upright
posture is assumed. This reflex can cause a lowered pressure when the carotid
sinuses are massaged.
- Other mechanisms that affect blood volume help to regulate blood pressure.
- Blood pressure is commonly measured indirectly by auscultation of the brachial
artery when a pressure cuff is inflated and deflated.
- The first sound of Korotkoff, caused by turbulent flow of blood through
a constriction in the artery, occurs when the cuff pressure equals the systolic
- The last sound of Korotkoff is heard when the cuff pressure equals the
diastolic blood pressure.
- The mean arterial pressure represents the driving force for blood flow through
the arterial system.
Hypertension, Shock, and Congestive Heart Failure - Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is classified as either primary or
- Primary hypertension, also called essential hypertension, may be the result
of the interaction of many mechanisms that raise the blood volume, cardiac
output, and/or peripheral resistance.
- Secondary hypertension is the direct result of known, specific diseases.
- Circulatory shock occurs when there is inadequate delivery of oxygen to
the organs of the body
- In hypovolemic shock, low blood volume causes low blood pressure that
may progress to an irreversible state.
- The fall in blood volume and pressure stimulates various reflexes that
produce a rise in cardiac rate, shift of fluid from the tissues into the
vascular system, decrease in urine volume, and vasoconstriction.
- Congestive heart failure occurs when the cardiac output is insufficient
to supply the blood flow required by the body. The term congestive is used
to describe the increased venous volume and pressure that results.
After studying this chapter, students should be able to . . . - define cardiac output and describe how it is affected by cardiac
rate and stroke volume
- explain how autonomic nerves regulate the cardiac rate and the strength
of ventricular contraction
- explain the intrinsic regulation of stroke volume (the Frank-Starling law
of the heart)
- list the factors that affect the venous return of blood to the heart
- explain how tissue fluid is formed and how it is returned to the capillary
- explain how edema may be produced
- explain how antidiuretic hormone helps to regulate the blood volume, plasma
osmolality, and the blood pressure
- explain the role of aldosterone in the regulation of blood volume and pressure
- describe the renin-angiotensin system and its significance in cardiovascular
- use Poiseuille's law to explain how blood flow is regulated
- define total peripheral resistance, and explain how vascular resistance
is regulated by extrinsic control mechanisms
- describe the functions of nitric oxide and endothelin-1 in the paracrine
regulation of blood flow
- describe the intrinsic mechanisms involved in the autoregulation of blood
- explain the mechanisms by which blood flow to the heart and skeletal muscles
is regulated
- describe the changes that occur in the cardiac output and in the distribution
of blood flow in the body during exercise
- describe the cutaneous circulation and explain how circulation in the skin
is regulated
- describe the factors that regulate the arterial blood pressure
- describe the baroreceptor reflex and explain its significance in blood
pressure regulation
- explain how the sounds of Korotkoff are produced and how these sounds are
used to measure blood pressure
- describe how the pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure are calculated
and explain the significance of these measurements
- explain the mechanisms that contribute to and that help compensate for
the conditions of hypertension, circulatory shock, and congestive heart failure