1 |  |  The polymers in food are broken down into their constituent monomers by ____ reactions in the digestive tract. (p. 562) |
|  | A) | polymerization |
|  | B) | absorption |
|  | C) | condensation |
|  | D) | hydrolysis |
2 |  |  The digestive system is specialized to perform all of the following functions except (p. 563) |
|  | A) | deglutition |
|  | B) | peristalsis |
|  | C) | metabolism |
|  | D) | defecation |
3 |  |  Which of the following locations does not belong with the others? (p. 563) |
|  | A) | buccal cavity |
|  | B) | stomach |
|  | C) | salivary glands |
|  | D) | small intestine |
4 |  |  Which of the following is not considered to be an accessory organ of the digestive system?(p. 563) |
|  | A) | teeth |
|  | B) | rectum |
|  | C) | pancreas |
|  | D) | gallbladder |
5 |  |  Which of the following is a subdivision and does not belong with the other layers of the gastrointestinal wall? (p. 564) |
|  | A) | mucosa |
|  | B) | lamina propria |
|  | C) | submucosa |
|  | D) | serosa |
6 |  |  Inner circular and outer longitudinal layers are characteristic of the ____ layer of the digestive tract. (p. 564) |
|  | A) | lamina propria |
|  | B) | muscularis mucosa |
|  | C) | submucosa |
|  | D) | muscularis externa |
7 |  |  The outermost layer of the gastrointestinal tract is the (p. 565) |
|  | A) | muscularis mucosa |
|  | B) | muscularis externa |
|  | C) | serosa |
|  | D) | mucosa |
8 |  |  Most of the digestive system receives its parasympathetic innervation from the (p. 565) |
|  | A) | vagus nerve |
|  | B) | thoracic spinal nerves |
|  | C) | lumbar spinal nerves |
|  | D) | sacral spinal nerves |
9 |  |  Swallowed food first enters the ____ of the stomach. (p. 567) |
|  | A) | fundus |
|  | B) | corpus (body) |
|  | C) | cardiac region |
|  | D) | antrum |
10 |  |  To enter the small intestine, partially digested food must pass through the (p. 567) |
|  | A) | gastroesophageal sphincter |
|  | B) | pyloric sphincter |
|  | C) | ileocecal valve |
|  | D) | sphincter of Oddi |
11 |  |  Mucus is secreted throughout much of the alimentary canal by (p. 568) |
|  | A) | G cells |
|  | B) | enterochromaffin-like cells |
|  | C) | parietal cells |
|  | D) | goblet cells |
12 |  |  Which of the following cell types does not belong with the others? (p. 568) |
|  | A) | alpha cells |
|  | B) | G cells |
|  | C) | enterochromaffin-like cells |
|  | D) | parietal cells |
13 |  |  Pepsinogen is produced in the stomach by (p. 568) |
|  | A) | chief cells |
|  | B) | parietal cells |
|  | C) | enterochromaffin-like cells |
|  | D) | goblet cells |
14 |  |  The hydrochloric acid secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach serves all of the following purposes, except (p. 569) |
|  | A) | the low pH produced by HCl makes pepsin more active |
|  | B) | the acid helps convert pepsinogen into pepsin |
|  | C) | it denatures dietary proteins and makes them more digestible |
|  | D) | it hydrolyzes the peptide bonds between the amino acids of dietary proteins |
15 |  |  The most important function of the stomach, and perhaps the only function that appears to be essential for life is the (p. 568) |
|  | A) | digestion of carbohydrates |
|  | B) | digestion of proteins |
|  | C) | absorption of monosaccharides |
|  | D) | secretion of intrinsic factor |
16 |  |  Contributing factors in acute gastritis include all of the following except (p. 571) |
|  | A) | regurgitation of bile salts from the duodenum into the stomach |
|  | B) | deficiency of bicarbonate |
|  | C) | hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid |
|  | D) | histamine secretion |
17 |  |  The absorptive surface area of the small intestine is increased by all of the following except (p. 571) |
|  | A) | villi |
|  | B) | microvilli |
|  | C) | crypts of Lieberkühn |
|  | D) | plicae circulares |
18 |  |  All of the following substances except ____ stimulate the secretion of gastric acid. (p. 587) |
|  | A) | epinephrine |
|  | B) | gastrin |
|  | C) | histamine |
|  | D) | acetylcholine |
19 |  |  The longest part of the small intestine is the (p. 571) |
|  | A) | duodenum |
|  | B) | jejunum |
|  | C) | ileum |
|  | D) | cecum |
20 |  |  More ____ is absorbed by the duodenum and the jejunum than by the ileum. (p. 571) |
|  | A) | vitamin B12 |
|  | B) | water |
|  | C) | carbohydrate |
|  | D) | bile salt |
21 |  |  The lacteals of the small intestine are found in the (p. 571) |
|  | A) | Crypts of Lieberkühn |
|  | B) | central core of each villus |
|  | C) | submucosa |
|  | D) | each microvillus |
22 |  |  The lacteals of the small intestine absorb (p. 573) |
|  | A) | monosaccharides |
|  | B) | amino acids |
|  | C) | electrolytes |
|  | D) | lipids |
23 |  |  The term brush border refers to the ____ of the alimentary canal. (p. 573) |
|  | A) | plicae circulares |
|  | B) | rugae |
|  | C) | microvilli |
|  | D) | villi |
24 |  |  Which of the following is a brush border enzyme? (p. 573) |
|  | A) | pepsin |
|  | B) | lactase |
|  | C) | trypsin |
|  | D) | amylase |
25 |  |  A person typically drinks about 1,500 ml of water each day and takes in about 700 ml of water each day as moisture in food. The total amount of water received by the small intestine each day is, approximately (p. 577) |
|  | A) | 700 ml |
|  | B) | 1,500 ml |
|  | C) | 2,200 ml |
|  | D) | 8,000 ml |
26 |  |  Lactose, salt, or other solutes that increase the osmolarity of the contents of the colon tend to cause (p. 577) |
|  | A) | diverticulitis |
|  | B) | acute gastritis |
|  | C) | diarrhea |
|  | D) | ulcerative colitis |
27 |  |  The ____ prevent(s) feces from entering the anal canal when it is an inopportune time to defecate. (p. 577) |
|  | A) | haustra |
|  | B) | anal sphincters |
|  | C) | ileocecal valve |
|  | D) | diverticula |
28 |  |  The bile contains all of the following components except (p. 580) |
|  | A) | lecithin |
|  | B) | albumin |
|  | C) | cholesterol |
|  | D) | urobilinogen |
29 |  |  The liver performs all of the following functions except the (p. 581) |
|  | A) | synthesis of digestive enzymes |
|  | B) | conversion of glucose to fat |
|  | C) | phagocytosis of contaminating particles in the blood |
|  | D) | storage and release of glucose |
30 |  |  The liver synthesizes all of the following except (p. 583) |
|  | A) | plasma albumin |
|  | B) | fibrinogen |
|  | C) | plasma globulins |
|  | D) | immunoglobulins |
31 |  |  Urine and feces get their characteristic colors from which of the following pigments? (p. 581) |
|  | A) | urobilinogen |
|  | B) | free bilirubin |
|  | C) | conjugated bilirubin |
|  | D) | bile salts |
32 |  |  Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid are the main ____ in humans. (p. 581) |
|  | A) | bile salts |
|  | B) | bile pigments |
|  | C) | bile globulins |
|  | D) | conjugated bilirubin |
33 |  |  A high rate of red blood cell destruction, with elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood, causes (p. 581) |
|  | A) | diverticulitis |
|  | B) | gallstones |
|  | C) | jaundice |
|  | D) | lithotripsy |
34 |  |  The liver detoxifies ammonia by converting it to (p. 582) |
|  | A) | bilirubin |
|  | B) | urea |
|  | C) | uric acid |
|  | D) | nothing, since ammonia is processed by the kidneys and not the liver |
35 |  |  The primary effect and purpose of hydroxylating steroid hormones in the liver is to (p. 583) |
|  | A) | raise their pH and prevent acidosis |
|  | B) | activate them so they can perform their hormonal functions |
|  | C) | make them less biologically active, more water soluble, and more easily excreted. |
|  | D) | incorporate them into micelles so they can be secreted into the bile. |
36 |  |  The liver is able to make glucose from non-carbohydrates such as amino acids and fatty acids when the body's need for glucose is not met from dietary intake or glycogen reserves. This process is called (p. 583) |
|  | A) | glycogenesis |
|  | B) | glycogenolysis |
|  | C) | lipogenesis |
|  | D) | gluconeogenesis |
37 |  |  Pancreatic juice does not include the following substance. (p. 585) |
|  | A) | insulin |
|  | B) | trypsin |
|  | C) | amylase |
|  | D) | bicarbonate |
38 |  |  Many of the pancreatic enzymes must be activated by trypsin before they can begin digesting food, but trypsin itself requires the activating effect of (p. 585) |
|  | A) | chymotrypsin |
|  | B) | carboxypeptidase |
|  | C) | phospholipase |
|  | D) | enterokinase |
39 |  |  The first hormone ever discovered was (p. 586) |
|  | A) | insulin |
|  | B) | secretin |
|  | C) | gastrin |
|  | D) | cholecystokinin |
40 |  |  The smell, taste, or just the thought of food can activate gastric secretion and stomach motility by activating the (p. 587) |
|  | A) | sympathetic nervous system |
|  | B) | release of gastrin |
|  | C) | vagus nerve |
|  | D) | release of cholecystokinin (CCK) |
41 |  |  The G cells of the stomach secrete gastrin in response to a couple of stimuli. One stimulus triggering gastrin release is the presence of (p. 588) |
|  | A) | fatty acids from lipids in the stomach chyme. |
|  | B) | the hormone somatostatin from the stomach D cells. |
|  | C) | short polypeptides and free amino acids in the chyme of the stomach. |
|  | D) | hydrochloric acid mixed with the stomach chyme. |
42 |  |  Contraction of the gallbladder is stimulated by neural reflex as well as by the action of (p. 587) |
|  | A) | cholecystokinin (CCK) |
|  | B) | secretin |
|  | C) | guanylin |
|  | D) | somatostatin |
43 |  |  The digestive enzyme that is most active at a pH of 2, is (p. 592) |
|  | A) | salivary amylase |
|  | B) | pancreatic amylase |
|  | C) | pepsin |
|  | D) | trypsin |
44 |  |  More of the total daily calories in the average American diet come from the consumption of ____ than from any of these other components. (p. 592) |
|  | A) | lipids |
|  | B) | carbohydrates |
|  | C) | nucleic acids |
|  | D) | proteins |
45 |  |  Three of the following are endopeptidases, with ____ as the only exopeptidase. (p. 593) |
|  | A) | trypsin |
|  | B) | elastase |
|  | C) | chymotrypsin |
|  | D) | carboxypeptidase |
46 |  |  Each villus of the small intestine contains a lymphatic vessel called a lacteal which is specialized for the absorption of digested (p. 594) |
|  | A) | milk |
|  | B) | carbohydrate molecules |
|  | C) | protein molecules |
|  | D) | lipid molecules |
47 |  |  The role of the enzyme, lipoprotein lipase is to (p. 594) |
|  | A) | emulsify dietary lipids so they can be digested more efficiently. |
|  | B) | remove triglycerides from chylomicrons in the blood. |
|  | C) | form micelles in the small intestine. |
|  | D) | digest lipids so they can be absorbed by the intestinal cells. |