|  Human Physiology, 7/e Stuart I Fox,
Pierce College
The Nervous System: Neurons and Synapses
Chapter Objectives After studying
this chapter, students should be able to . . .
1.Describe the structure of a neuron and explain the functional significance of its principal regions. |
 |  |  | 2.Classify neurons on the basis of their structure and function. |
 |  |  | 3.Describe the locations and functions of the different types of supporting cells. |
 |  |  | 4.Explain what is meant by the blood-brain barrier and discuss its significance. |
 |  |  | 5.Describe the sheath of Schwann and explain how it functions in the regeneration of cut peripheral nerve fibers. |
 |  |  | 6.Explain how a myelin sheath is formed. |
 |  |  | 7.Define depolarization, repolarization,
and hyperpolarization. |
 |  |  | 8.Explain the actions of voltage-regulated Na+ and K+ channels and describe the events that occur
during the production of an action potential. |
 |  |  | 9.Describe the properties of action potentials and explain the significance of the all-or-none law and the refractory periods. |
 |  |  | 10.Explain how action potentials are regenerated along a myelinated and a nonmyelinated axon. |
 |  |  | 11.Describe the events that occur in the interval between the electrical excitation of an axon and the release of neurotransmitter. |
 |  |  | 12.Describe the two general categories of chemically regulated ion channels, and explain how these operate using nicotinic and
muscarinic ACh receptors as examples. |
 |  |  | 13.Explain how ACh produces EPSPs and IPSPs, and indicate the significance of these processes. |
 |  |  | 14.Compare the characteristics of EPSPs and action potentials. |
 |  |  | 15.Compare the mechanisms that inactivate ACh with those that inactivate monoamine neurotransmitters. |
 |  |  | 16.Explain the role of cyclic AMP in the action of monoamine neurotransmitters, and some of the actions of monoamines in the
nervous system. |
 |  |  | 17.Explain the significance of the inhibitory effects of glycine and GABA in the central nervous system. |
 |  |  | 18.List some of the polypeptide neurotransmitters, and explain the significance of the endogenous opioids in the nervous system. |
 |  |  | 19.Discuss the significance of nitric oxide as a neurotransmitter. |
 |  |  | 20.Explain how EPSPs and IPSPs can interact and discuss the significance of spatial and temporal summation and of presynaptic
and postsynaptic inhibition. |
 |  |  | 21.Describe the nature of long-term potentiation and discuss its significance. |