1 |  |  Which of the primary germ layers of the embryo gives rise to the nervous system? (p. 188) |
|  | A) | ectoderm |
|  | B) | blastoderm |
|  | C) | mesoderm |
|  | D) | endoderm |
2 |  |  The neural crest of the embryo gives rise to the ____. (p. 188) |
|  | A) | cerebrum |
|  | B) | brain stem |
|  | C) | spinal cord |
|  | D) | peripheral ganglia |
3 |  |  In the fourth week after conception, the anterior end of the neural tube differentiates into three principal swellings which will give rise to regions of the brain. Which of the following is not one of these three swellings? (p. 189) |
|  | A) | prosencephalon |
|  | B) | neuroencephalon |
|  | C) | mesencephalon |
|  | D) | rhombencephalon |
4 |  |  The brain contains a series of central cavities called ___ which are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). (p. 190) |
|  | A) | chambers |
|  | B) | vesicles |
|  | C) | ventricles |
|  | D) | atria |
5 |  |  The gray matter of the brain constitutes primarily the ____ portion of the brain. (p. 190) |
|  | A) | cortex |
|  | B) | medulla |
|  | C) | gyri |
|  | D) | sulci |
6 |  |  The white matter of the central nervous system gets its white color from the ____. (p. 189) |
|  | A) | scarcity of blood vessels |
|  | B) | scarcity of pigment |
|  | C) | nerve cell bodies |
|  | D) | presence of myelin sheaths |
7 |  |  The telencephalon gives rise to the ____ (p. 189) |
|  | A) | cerebrum and cerebellum |
|  | B) | cerebrum and thalamus |
|  | C) | cerebrum only |
|  | D) | hypothalamus and thalamus |
8 |  |  The right and left cerebral hemispheres are connected to each other mainly by a bundle of nerve fibers called the ____. (p. 190) |
|  | A) | thalamus |
|  | B) | insula |
|  | C) | corpus cavernosum |
|  | D) | corpus callosum |
9 |  |  The cerebrum is divided into five lobes, including all of the following except the _____ . (p. 192) |
|  | A) | frontal |
|  | B) | sagittal |
|  | C) | temporal |
|  | D) | occipital |
10 |  |  Four lobes of the cerebrum can be seen from the surface, but a fifth lobe called the ____ lies deep to these and cannot be seen without probing or dissecting the brain. (p. 192) |
|  | A) | insula |
|  | B) | occipital lobe |
|  | C) | parietal lobe |
|  | D) | temporal lobe |
11 |  |  Sensations from the skin are received by what part of the brain? (p. 191) |
|  | A) | the precentral gyrus |
|  | B) | the postcentral gyrus |
|  | C) | Wernicke's area |
|  | D) | the amygdala |
12 |  |  Impulses from the cochlea of the ear are transmitted to what part of the brain? (p. 192) |
|  | A) | the hippocampus |
|  | B) | the occipital lobe |
|  | C) | the temporal lobe |
|  | D) | the postcentral gyrus |
13 |  |  Blindness is usually caused by damage to the eyes, but could also result from destruction of part of the ____ caused by a stroke or trauma. (p. 192) |
|  | A) | occipital lobe |
|  | B) | parietal lobes |
|  | C) | frontal lobe |
|  | D) | mammillary bodies |
14 |  |  Your attempt to answer this question will most likely cause increased ____ activity in your cerebrum. (p. 193) |
|  | A) | alpha wave |
|  | B) | beta wave |
|  | C) | theta wave |
|  | D) | delta wave |
15 |  |  Certain low frequency waves called ____ would be normal for your EEG if you were asleep, but would indicate brain damage if they appeared in your EEG while you were awake. (p. 194) |
|  | A) | alpha wave |
|  | B) | beta wave |
|  | C) | theta wave |
|  | D) | delta wave |
16 |  |  Decussation (crossing over) of nerve fibers is responsible for the fact that ____ (p. 195) |
|  | A) | somatesthetic sensations from the right side of the body are received by the left cerebral cortex |
|  | B) | left-handed people recover from damage to the language areas of the brain faster than right-handed people |
|  | C) | the right cerebral hemisphere is better than the left at geometric puzzles, recognizing faces, and composing music |
|  | D) | Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and the author of your text (S. Fox), were left-handed |
17 |  |  The human limbic system is involved primarily in ____. (p. 198) |
|  | A) | voluntary movement of the limbs |
|  | B) | processing sensory information from the limbs |
|  | C) | interpretation of olfactory stimuli |
|  | D) | emotions |
18 |  |  When ____ is damaged, a person is unable to comprehend written or spoken language, but speaks rapidly and fluidly in a nonsensical jumble of words that are made up or combined at random. (p. 197) |
|  | A) | Broca's area |
|  | B) | Wernicke's area |
|  | C) | the cingulate gyrus |
|  | D) | the angular gyrus |
19 |  |  Fear appears to be processed by what part of the brain? (p. 198) |
|  | A) | the frontal lobes |
|  | B) | the angular gyrus |
|  | C) | the thalamus |
|  | D) | the limbic system |
20 |  |  The ____ seems to be involved in converting short-term memories into long-term memory.(p. 200) |
|  | A) | basal nuclei, including the corpus striatum and the lentiform nucleus |
|  | B) | Wernicke's area (superior temporal gyrus) |
|  | C) | left medial temporal lobe, including the hippocampus and the amygdaloid nucleus |
|  | D) | prefrontal cortex |
21 |  |  The largest part of the diencephalon is the____. (p. 201) |
|  | A) | cerebellum |
|  | B) | thalamus |
|  | C) | epithalamus |
|  | D) | hypothalamus |
22 |  |  "Centers" for hunger, thirst, fear, sexual arousal, and pleasure are found in the ____. (p. 203) |
|  | A) | precentral gyrus |
|  | B) | thalamus |
|  | C) | hypothalamus |
|  | D) | medulla oblongata |
23 |  |  The corpora quadrigemina ("four twin bodies")of the midbrain are involved in ____. (p. 204) |
|  | A) | vision and hearing |
|  | B) | control of body temperature |
|  | C) | olfaction and taste |
|  | D) | alertness and sleep |
24 |  |  The mesencephalon contains all of the following except the (p. 204) |
|  | A) | corpora quadrigemina |
|  | B) | cerebral peduncles |
|  | C) | basal nuclei |
|  | D) | red nucleus |
25 |  |  The pons includes all of the following except the (p. 204) |
|  | A) | cardiac control center |
|  | B) | pneumotaxic center |
|  | C) | nerve fibers to the cerebellum |
|  | D) | nuclei where some cranial nerves originate |
26 |  |  Damage to the cerebellum, the second largest structure of the brain, causes (p. 204) |
|  | A) | hyperphagia |
|  | B) | coma |
|  | C) | aphasia |
|  | D) | ataxia |
27 |  |  The pyramids of the medulla oblongata are the sites of (p. 204) |
|  | A) | origin of cranial nerves IX-XII |
|  | B) | decussation of nerve tracts |
|  | C) | respiratory, cardiac, and vasomotor control |
|  | D) | none of the above is correct |
28 |  |  The vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) carries parasympathetic nerve stimulation to most of the thoracic and abdominal viscera, and originates in the ____. (p. 206) |
|  | A) | red nucleus of the midbrain |
|  | B) | epithalamus |
|  | C) | pons |
|  | D) | medulla oblongata |
29 |  |  All of the following are vital centers of the medulla oblongata except (p. 204) |
|  | A) | vasomotor |
|  | B) | respiratory |
|  | C) | cardiac control center |
|  | D) | reticular activating system |
30 |  |  The reticular formation extends through the ____, among other regions of the CNS. (p. 206) |
|  | A) | medulla, pons, midbrain, thalamus, and hypothalamus |
|  | B) | anterior and lateral spinothalamic tracts |
|  | C) | cerebellum and limbic system |
|  | D) | basal nuclei |
31 |  |  The spinal cord originates at the medulla oblongata and terminates in the ____. (p. 206) |
|  | A) | twelfth thoracic vertebra |
|  | B) | first lumbar vertebra |
|  | C) | sacrum |
|  | D) | coccyx |
32 |  |  All of the following spinal tracts are ascending, transmitting information up to the brain, except the ____, which is a descending tract. (p. 207) |
|  | A) | lateral spinothalamic tract |
|  | B) | fasciculus cuneatus |
|  | C) | corticospinal tract |
|  | D) | anterior spinocerebellar tract |
33 |  |  Most nerve fibers of the pyramidal tracts of the spinal cord originate in the ____. (p. 207) |
|  | A) | precentral gyrus |
|  | B) | thalamus |
|  | C) | midbrain |
|  | D) | pyramids of the medulla oblongata |
34 |  |  Damage to the corticospinal tracts would be most likely to leave a person unable to ____.(p. 209) |
|  | A) | breathe without a mechanical ventilator |
|  | B) | feel anything below the neck |
|  | C) | type on a word processor |
|  | D) | sit up |
35 |  |  In an adult, the Babinski reflex is an indication that ____. (p. 209) |
|  | A) | the spinal reflex arcs are functioning normally |
|  | B) | there is damage to the corticospinal tracts |
|  | C) | there is damage to the extrapyramidal tracts |
|  | D) | midbrain functions are normal |
36 |  |  The reticulospinal (extrapyramidal) nerve tracts consist of fibers that originate in the ____. (p. 208) |
|  | A) | lumbar and thoracic regions of the spinal cord |
|  | B) | motor cortex |
|  | C) | cerebellum |
|  | D) | reticular formation |
37 |  |  There are ___ pairs of cranial nerves. (p. 209) |
|  | A) | two |
|  | B) | eight |
|  | C) | twelve |
|  | D) | thirty-one |
38 |  |  Most cranial nerves are classified as ____ nerves. (p. 210) |
|  | A) | sensory |
|  | B) | motor |
|  | C) | mixed |
|  | D) | autonomic |
39 |  |  Sensory fibers from the neck down enter the spinal cord by way of the ____. (p. 212) |
|  | A) | dorsal root |
|  | B) | dorsal root ganglion |
|  | C) | ventral root |
|  | D) | ventral horn |
40 |  |  Spinal reflexes are muscle responses that can occur without the participation of any of the following except ____, which is/are indispensable. (p. 211) |
|  | A) | consciousness |
|  | B) | association neurons |
|  | C) | sensory receptors |
|  | D) | the brain |