|  Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology, 9/e David Shier,
Washtenaw Community College Ricki Lewis,
The University at Albany Jackie Butler,
Grayson County Community College
Human Growth and Development
Internet Activities
Breast Feeding: Best for Babies
The natural immunity protection provided by nursing is discussed at this site. Question: What is the hormone that starts the milk flowing in nursing? |
 |  |  | The Biology Project: Human Reproduction
Visit this site and follow the links to answer the following questions. Questions: A. The fertilization of human eggs most commonly occurs in what part of the female? B. What pituitary hormone(s) controls ovulation and production of female hormones by the ovary? C. What is the function of the ovaries? D. What hormone is produced by the corpus luteum, and what is its function? |
 |  |  | Embryo Development
Although this site is still under construction, it provides the user with useful information about human embryology. Question: Describe the events of day six of human development. |
 |  |  | Ultrasound and Other Prenatal Diagnosis Tests
Discover the world of prenatal diagnosis at this site. Questions: A. What is amniocentesis? B. Discuss the basics of chorionic villi sampling. |
 |  |  | APGAR scoring for Newborns
This helpful site provides the user with information about APGAR scores. Question: What is an APGAR score and how are they used? |