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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 4/e
Rod R. Seeley, Idaho State University
Philip Tate, Phoenix College
Trent D. Stephens, Idaho State University

Laboratory Exercises

The Cardiovascular System
The computer simulation program CARDIO enables students to experiment with the basic principles of blood pressure regulation.
Blood, Sweat, and Buffers: PH Regulation During Exercise
This tutorial reviews how exercise affects the body, written from a chemist's perspective.
Biointeractives-Virtual Labs

THE BACTERIAL ID LAB: Use cutting-edge DNA sequencing techniques and powerful database searches to identify an unknown bacterial species! In this lab, you will learn about polymerase chain reaction (PCR), automatic DNA sequencers, and the science of using a database of known DNA sequences to identify an organism.

THE CARDIOLOGY LAB: The focus of this lab is on heritable diseases of the heart. You are cast here as a virtual intern to accompany a doctor examining different patients. Each patient is examined using more than one diagnostic tool and at each stage, the doctor will invite you to examine the patient yourself and ask for your opinion.

THE NEUROPHYSIOLOGY LAB: In the neurophysiology virtual lab, we will explore the sensory system of the leech. Why the leech? The leech's nervous system is very simple and easily accessible. Thus, unlike the incredibly complicated human brain, the leech system can be understood more easily.

ELISA ASSAY: Components of the immune system called antibodies are found in the liquid portion of blood and help protect the body from harm. Antibodies also can be used also outside the body in a laboratory-based assay to help diagnose disease caused by malfunctions of the immune system or by infections. This virtual laboratory will demonstrate how such a test, termed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), is carried out and some of the key experimental problems that may be encountered.

Biointeractives-Click and Learn

ANTIBIOTICS ATTACK!: How do they work? How do bacteria fight back? Animations and quizzes help you understand how antibiotics target wily bacteria--but why they don't always get their germ.

A PRIMER ON THE ELECTROCARDIOGRAM: What's an electrocardiogram (ECG)? Check out this introductory summary about the science and technology of monitoring the electrical activity of the heart. Shockwave Player required.

HEART SIZE IN MAMMALS: What is the relationship between heart rate and size? Does resting heart rate vary in a consistent way as size changes? Check out this interactive animation that illustrates this correlation.

THE KIDNEY SCOPE: Do you know what our kidneys do? You might be aware that kidneys somehow make urine. How do they do that? Take a quick tour and find out how the kidney does its job.

Biointeractives-Virtual Museum

Although humans have long observed the devastating effects of infectious diseases, the microscope made it possible to see the pathogens. Today, the genomics revolution lets scientists "see" the microbial world in greater detail, leading to custom-designed drugs and therapies. Despite advances in science and medicine, infectious diseases will continue to threaten human health. Explore this exhibit to learn about the challenges posed by infectious diseases-and to "meet" scientists like Pasteur and Koch, whose insights have contributed to our understanding.

Early in this century, doctors had few tools to help them diagnose or treat diseases, and they had limited understanding of cardiovascular illness. Heart surgery was nearly inconceivable. Today, mortality due to heart disease is declining, open-heart surgery is commonplace, and people have the information they need to make changes in their lives that alleviate or even prevent cardiovascular illness.

Science is largely driven by curiosity and the desire to understand our place in the world. Neuroscience, focused on understanding how nervous systems work, is no exception. Diverse tools and methods are used to explore topics such as sensory perception, the control of movement, and even thinking.
The Interactive Frog Dissection
This interactive frog dissection was designed as a valuable preparation tool for laboratory dissection.
Frog Anatomy / Dissection
The Whole Frog Project
The ITG "Whole Frog" project is intended to introduce the concepts of modern, computer based 3D visualization,
and at the same time to demonstrate the power of whole body, 3D imaging of anatomy as a curriculum tool.
Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
This award-winning interactive program is part of the "Whole Frog" project.
You can interactively dissect a (digitized) frog named Fluffy, make movies, and play the Virtual Frog Builder Game.
The interactive Web pages are available in a number of languages.
Virtual Physiology Laboratory
This site describes a series of safe, simple exercises you can carry out at home, without the need for complicated apparatus.
You may sometimes need the services of a willing helper but they don't have to be trained physiologists!
The site will provide you with all the instructions, what you need to find at home,
how to interpret the results and the significance of your findings.
There is no need to go through the experiments in a particular order, they are all self-contained exercises.
3D Virtual Colonoscopy
This project employs advanced visualization techniques to achieve virtual imaging and exploration of the human colon.
The data sets that have been successfully applied in our experiments include the Visible Human, a simulated plastic pipe,
and patient data (provided by the University Hospital at Stony Brook).
MicroScape Virtual Laboratory
In the MicroScape Virtual Laboratory you will find a collection of "Digital" images which begin at
High Magnification and progress down in Magnification simulating an on-line "Virtual Microscope".
Using the single frame advance option of the QT display software you can step through these images
slowly increasing or decreasing the magnification over the range provided by the library sequence,
much like you would by changing the magnification in a real microscope.
Using the interactive controls you will be able to vary the magnified image view up and down.
Drug Calculations for Nurses
Quizzes for metric conversions, tablet dosage calculations, fluid dosage calculations, and IV drop rate calculations.
Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology
Provides an on-line data source for standard cell biology laboratories or for inquiry-based education.
Histology Tutorial
As you study Histology, this program may be useful for you to review before and after lab sessions
where you look at the "real thing" with your microscope.
Interactive Atlases Digital Anatomist Project
2-D and 3-D views of the brain from cadaver sections, MRI scans, and computer reconstructions.
Neuroanatomy Interactive Syllabus.
3-D views of thoracic organs reconstructed from 1-mm cryosections of a cadaver specimen.
2-D and 3-D views of the knee from cadaver sections, MRI scans, and computer recontructions.
The Whole Brain Atlas
Presents the following topics: Normal Brain, Cerebrovascular Disease (stroke), Neoplastic Disease (brain tumor),
Degenerative Disease, Inflammatory or Infectious Disease
Catalase Lab
Laboratory Investigations
Atom World: Tutorial
By "quick" we mean that in 10 minutes of your time, you'll have a working knowledge of chemistry. Skeptical?
The secret is we're not using math! And don't worry - we're not going to teach you TOO much chemistry,
but we will give you enough to understand the most important things that are going on.
Blood Types Tutorial
The Human Genetics Tutorial provides problem solving exercises concerning the inheritance of the ABO blood group alleles.
Insight Online
Insight Online is designed to provide instant logical flow between all of its related images, animations, and descriptions.
To make learning easier, the Insight program is divided into systems.
They can be accessed at the main system menu or from the system listing page.
Review activities and tutorials in basic chemistry, metabolism, enzymes, energy, & catalysis, large molecules,
photosynthesis, pH & pKa, clinical correlates of pH, vitamins B12 and Folate, and regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Cell Biology
These problem sets and tutorials review studying cells, mitosis, meiosis, the cell cycle, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, & viruses.
Chemicals and Human Health
These problem sets and tutorials review basic toxicology, lung toxicology,
environmental tobacco smoke & lung development, kidneys & metals.
Developmental Biology
These problem sets and tutorials review developmental mechanisms.
Human Biology
These problem sets and tutorials review DNA forensics, karyotyping, genetics,
blood types, reproduction, and sexually transmitted diseases.
These problem sets and tutorials review immunology, HIV, the ELISA assay, and Western blotting analysis.
Mendelian Genetics
These problem sets and tutorials review monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross, and sex-linked inheritance.
Molecular Biology
These problem sets and tutorials review nucleic acids, genetics of prokaryotes,
genetics of eukaryotes, and recombinant DNA.
The Heart: An Online Exploration
Explore the heart. Discover the complexities of its development and structure.
Follow the blood through the blood vessels. Wander through the weblike body systems.
Learn how to have a healthy heart and how to monitor your heart's health.
Look back at the history of heart science.
Laboratory Exercises for Pathology
These are case-based laboratory exercises with images.
Virtual Frog Dissection
This award-winning interactive program is part of the "Whole Frog" project.
You can interactively dissect a (digitized) frog named Fluffy, make movies, and play the Virtual Frog Builder Game.
The interactive Web pages are available in a number of languages.
The Digital Anatomy Lab
This site was designed to enhance learning in topics such as Medical Engineering,
Life Science & Medical Physics through incorporation of the Visible Human Project images.