Online Learning Center to accompany Ecology: Concepts and Applications This online resource offers study outlines, extensive chapter-by-chapter quizzing, additional readings, interactive activities, key term flashcards, advice on writing a term paper, current environmental global issues, case studies, and an environmental global issues map-a simple click gives you access to current news articles from various regions around the world. Instructor's Manual Designed to assist instructors as they plan and prepare for classes using Ecology: Concepts, and Applications, the Instructor's Manual can be found on the password-protected instructors portion of the Online Learning Center. Relevant films, videotapes, and computer programs are included in the manual, as well as a listing of the transparencies that supplement the text. Classroom Testing File The electronic MicroTest Test Item File offers 40 to 50 questions per chapter, including multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false questions. This helpful, easy-to-use, computerized test-generating software is available at no charge to instructors for testing and grading. Transparencies A set of transparencies of 100 key figures from the text are available free to instructors. Laboratory Manuals Laboratory Manual for General Ecology, 8th ed., by Cox. This lab manual has been revised to correlate with Ecology: Concepts and Applications, 2nd ed. Field and Laboratory Methods for General Ecology, 4th ed., by Brower, Zar and Von Ende. PowerPoint Image Bank This helpful CD-ROM contains easy to use, electronic files of the art from Ecology. You'll be able to create interesting multimedia presentations with the use of these images, and students will have the ability to easily access the same images in their texts to later review the content covered in class. Ecology PowerWeb (ISBN 0-07-252876-1) What a great way to get the information you need quickly and easily! For a nominal fee, your students can access PowerWeb for Ecology. Here is what you will find: - Ecology articles from current magazines, newspapers, and journals
- Weekly updates of current events
- Interactive exercises
- Web research tips
- An online library of updated research links to help you find the right information
- Up-to-the-minute headlines from around the world including course-specific and general news
- Online quizzing and assessment to measure your understanding of course material, and more!
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