|  Ecology, Concepts and Applications, 2/e Manuel C. Molles,
University of New Mexico - Albuquerque
Life Histories
Chapter Objectives
Because all organisms have access to limited energy and other resources, there is a trade-off between the number and size of offspring; those that produce larger offspring are constrained to produce fewer, while those that produce smaller offspring may produce larger numbers. |
 |  |  | Where adult survival is lower, organisms begin reproducing at an earlier age and invest a greater proportion of their energy budget into reproduction; where adult survival is higher, organisms defer reproduction to a later age and allocate a smaller proportion of their resources to reproduction. |
 |  |  | The great diversity of life histories may be classified on the basis of a few population characteristics, such as fecundity or number of offspring, mx, survival, lx and age at reproductive maturity. |