|  Environmental Science: A Global Concern, 7/e William P. Cunningham,
University of Minnesota Mary Ann Cunningham,
Vassar College Barbara Woodworth Saigo,
St. Cloud State University
Table of ContentsIntroduction: Learning to Learn
Objectives Learning Online Why Study Environmental Science? How Can I Get an A in This Class? Develop Good Study Habits
Recognize and Hone Your Learning Styles
Use This Textbook Effectively
Will This Be on the Test?
Thinking about Thinking Approaches to Truth and Knowledge
What Do I Need to Think Critically?
Applying Critical Thinking
Some Clues for Unpacking an Argument
Avoiding Logical Errors and Fallacies
Using Critical Thinking in Environmental Science
Concept Maps What Do You Think? Don't Believe Everything You See on the Internet How Do I Create a Concept Map? PART ONE:
Chapter 1: Understanding Our Environment
Objectives Learning Online Deformed Frogs What Is Environmental Science? A Brief History of Conservation and Environmentalism Historic Roots of Nature Protection
Pragmatic Resource Conservation
Moral and Aesthetic Nature Preservation
Modern Environmentalism
Global Concerns
Current Conditions A Marvelous Planet
Environmental Dilemmas
What Do You Think? Cultural Whaling in the Pacific Northwest Signs of Hope
North/South: A Divided World Rich and Poor Countries
A Fair Share of Resources?
North/South Division
Political Economies
Human Development Developmental Discrepancies
Good News and Bad News
Sustainable Development
Can Development Be Truly Sustainable?
The 20:20 Compact for Human Development
Indigenous People
IN DEPTH: Getting to Know Our Neighbors Environmental Perspectives Pessimism and Outrage
Hopeful Optimism
Objectives Learning Online Playing God in the Laboratory Environmental Ethics and Philosophy Are There Universal Ethical Principles?
Modernism and Postmodernism
Values, Rights, and Obligations
Worldviews and Ethical Perspectives Humanism and Anthropocentrism
Biocentrism, Animal Rights, and Ecocentrism
What Do You Think? Worldviews and Values Environmental Justice Environmental Racism
Dumping Across Borders
Are "Green" Organizations Too White?
Science as a Way of Knowing The Scientific Worldview
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
Hypotheses and Scientific Theories
Using the Scientific Method
Descriptive and Interpretive Science
Paradigms and Scientific Consensus
Technology and Progress
Appropriate Technology
Profile: Environmental Engineer Chapter 3: Matter, Energy, and Life
Objectives Learning Online The Mystery of Lake Laberge From Atoms to Cells Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds
Organic Compounds
Cells: The Fundamental Units of Life
Energy and Matter Energy Types and Qualities
IN DEPTH: A "Water Planet" Conservation of Matter
Thermodynamics and Energy Transfers
Energy for Life Solar Energy: Warmth and Light
How Does Photosynthesis Capture Energy?
From Species to Ecosystems Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems
What Do You Think? Chaos or Stability in Ecosystems? Food Chains, Food Webs, and Trophic Levels
Ecological Pyramids
Material Cycles and Life Processes The Carbon Cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
The Phosphorus Cycle
The Sulfur Cycle Chapter 4: Biological Communities and Species Interactions
Objectives Learning Online Orcas, Otters, Urchins, and Kelp: Disrupting a Marine Food Web Who Lives Where, and Why? Critical Factors and Tolerance Limits
Natural Selection, Adaptation, and Evolution
The Ecological Niche
Species Interactions and Population Dynamics Predation
Keystone Species
CASE STUDY: Where Have All the Songbirds Gone? Symbiosis What Do You Think? Understanding Competition Defensive Mechanisms
Community Properties Productivity
Abundance and Diversity
Complexity and Connectedness
Resilience and Stability
Edges and Boundaries
What Can You Do? Developing a Sense for Where You Live Communities in Transition Ecological Succession
Introduced Species and Community Change
Profile: Environmental Activist Chapter 5: BIOMES, RESTORATION, AND MANAGEMENT
Objectives Learning Online Integrity, Stability, and Beauty of the Land Terrestrial Biomes Deserts
Grasslands: Prairies and Savannas
Conifer Forests
Broad-Leaved Deciduous and Evergreen Forests
Mediterranean/Chaparral/Thorn Scrub
Tropical Moist Forests
Tropical Seasonal Forests
Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater and Saline Ecosystems
Estuaries and Wetlands: Transitional Communities
Shorelines and Barrier Islands
Human Disturbance Landscape Ecology Patchiness and Heterogeneity
Landscape Dynamics
Restoration Ecology Defining Some Terms
Conflicting Views of Restoration
Tools of Restoration
CASE STUDY: Restoration of the Bermuda Cahow Letting Nature Heal Itself
Back to What?
Creating Artificial Ecosystems
Ecosystem Management A Brief History of Ecosystem Management
Principles and Goals of Ecosystem Management
Objectives Learning Online Urban Geese Dynamics of Population Growth Exponential Growth and Doubling Times
Biotic Potential
Population Oscillations and Irruptive Growth
Growth to a Stable Population
Chaotic and Catastrophic Population Dynamics
Strategies of Population Growth
What Do You Think? What Is Earth's Carrying Capacity for Humans? Factors That Increase or Decrease Populations Natality, Fecundity, and Fertility
Mortality and Survivorship
Age Structure
Factors That Regulate Population Growth Density-Independent Factors
Density-Dependent Factors Chapter 7: HUMAN POPULATIONS
Objectives Learning Online The Saga of Easter Island Population Growth Human Population History
Limits to Growth: Some Opposing Views Malthusian Checks on Population
What Do You Think? Looking for Bias in Graphs Malthus and Marx Today
Can Technology Make the World More Habitable?
Can More People Be Beneficial?
Human Demography How Many of Us Are There?
Fertility and Birth Rates
Mortality and Death Rates
Population Growth Rates
Life Span and Life Expectancy
CASE STUDY: Family Planning in Iran Living Longer: Demographic Implications
Emigration and Immigration
Population Growth: Opposing Factors Pronatalist Pressures
Birth Reduction Pressures
Birth Dearth?
Demographic Transition Development and Population
An Optimistic View
A Pessimistic View
A Social Justice View
An Ecojustice View
Infant Mortality and Women's Rights
Family Planning and Fertility Control Traditional Fertility Control
Current Birth Control Methods
New Developments in Birth Control
The Future of Human Populations Chapter 8: ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS
Objectives Learning Online Creating Another Earth Economic Worldviews Classical Economics
Neoclassical Economics
Ecological Economics
Resources, Capital, and Reserves Resource Types
Economic Resource Categories
Communal Property Resources
Population, Technology, and Scarcity Market Efficiencies and Technological Development
Increasing Environmental Carrying Capacity
Economic Models
Why Not Conserve Resources?
Natural Resource Accounting Gross National Product
Alternatives to GNP or GDP
Measuring Nonmarket Values
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Market-Based Mechanisms for Environmental Protection
Intergenerational Justice and Discount Rates
Internal and External Costs
Trade, Development, and Jobs International Trade
International Development
Green Business Design for the Environment
CASE STUDY: Eco-Efficient Carpeting from Interface, Inc. Green Consumerism
Jobs and the Environment
What Can You Do? Personally Responsible Consumerism Profile: Environmental Manager Chapter 9: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND TOXICOLOGY
Objectives Learning Online Outbreak Types of Environmental Health Hazards Infectious Organisms
Morbidity and Quality of Life
Emergent Diseases and Environmental Change
CASE STUDY: Fighting the Fiery Serpent Antibiotic and Pesticide Resistance
Toxic Chemicals
What Can You Do? Tips for Staying Healthy Natural and Synthetic Toxins
Movement, Distribution, and Fate of Toxins Solubility
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
Chemical Interactions
What Do You Think? Soft Vinyl Toys and Medical Supplies Mechanisms for Minimizing Toxic Effects Metabolic Degradation and Excretion
Repair Mechanisms
Measuring Toxicity Animal Testing
Toxicity Ratings
Acute versus Chronic Doses and Effects
Detection Limits
Risk Assessment and Acceptance Assessing Risks
Accepting Risks
Objectives Learning Online A Civil Action Environmental Policy Political Decision Making
The Policy Cycle
Environmental Law A Brief Environmental History
Statutory Law: The Legislative Branch
Case Law: The Judicial Branch
Administrative Law: The Executive Branch
International Treaties and Conventions Dispute Resolution and Planning Wicked Problems and Adaptive Management
Resilience in Ecosystem and Institutions
The Precautionary Principle
Arbitration and Mediation
Collaborative Approaches to Community-Based Planning
What Do You Think? The Quincy Library Group Green Plans Profile: Environmental Consultant Chapter 11: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE
Objectives Learning Online Are Shrimp Safe to Eat? Nutrition and Food Supplies Chronic Hunger and Food Security
Other Essential Nutrients
Eating a Balanced Diet
Major Food Sources Major Crops
Meat, Milk, and Seafood
Soil: A Renewable Resource Soil Composition
Soil Organisms
Soil Profiles
Soil Types
Ways We Use and Abuse Soil Land Resources
Land Degradation
Erosion: The Nature of the Problem
Mechanisms of Erosion
Erosion Hotspots
Other Agricultural Resources Water
New Crops and Genetic Engineering Green Revolution
Genetic Engineering
Pest Resistance
Weed Control
Public Opposition
What Do You Think? Terminator Genes Sustainable Agriculture Soil Conservation
Low-Input Sustainable Agriculture
CASE STUDY: Organic Farming in Cuba Chapter 12: PEST CONTROL
Objectives Learning Online DDT and Fragile Eggshells What Are Pests and Pesticides? A Brief History of Pest Control Early Pest Controls
Synthetic Chemical Pesticides
Pesticide Uses and Types Pesticide Use in the United States and Canada
Pesticide Types
Pesticide Benefits Disease Control
Crop Protection
Pesticide Problems Effects on Nontarget Species
Pesticide Resistance and Pest Resurgence
What Do You Think? Environmental Estrogens Creation of New Pests
Persistence and Mobility in the Environment
Human Health Problems
Alternatives to Current Pesticide Uses Behavioral Changes
Biological Controls
CASE STUDY: Regenerative Agriculture in Iowa Integrated Pest Management
Reducing Pesticide Exposure Regulating Pesticides
A Personal Plan
What Can You Do? Food Safety Tips Chapter 13: BIODIVERSITY
Objectives Learning Online Columbia River Salmon Biodiversity and the Species Concept What Is Biodiversity?
What Are Species?
How Many Species Are There?
How Do We Benefit from Biodiversity? Food
Drugs and Medicines
Ecological Benefits
Aesthetic and Cultural Benefits
What Threatens Biodiversity? Natural Causes of Extinction
Human-Caused Reductions in Biodiversity
What Can You Do? Don't Eat Endangered Seafood Predator and Pest Control
Endangered Species Management and Biodiversity Protection Hunting and Fishing Laws
The Endangered Species Act
Recovery Plans
Private Land and Critical Habitat
Reauthorizing the Endangered Species Act
Minimum Viable Populations
Habitat Protection
International Wildlife Treaties
What Do You Think? Economic Impacts of the Endangered Species Act Captive Breeding and Species Survival Plans Saving Rare Species in the Wild
Profile: Conservation Fund Raiser Chapter 14: LAND USE: FORESTS AND RANGELANDS
Objectives Learning Online Disappearing Butterfly Forests World Land Uses World Forests Forest Distribution
Forest Products
Forest Management
CASE STUDY: Forestry for the Seventh Generation Tropical Forests Diminishing Forests
Swidden Agriculture
Logging and Land Invasions
Forest Protection
Debt-for-Nature Swaps
Temperate Forests Ancient Forests of the Pacific Northwest
Wilderness and Wildlife Protection
Harvest Methods
What Do You Think? Regulations and Property Rights Below-Cost and Salvage Sales
Fire Management
Sustainable Forestry and Non-Timber Forest Products
Rangelands What Can You Do? Lowering Our Forest Impacts Range Management
Overgrazing and Land Degradation
Forage Conversion by Domestic Animals
Harvesting Wild Animals
Rangelands in the United States
Landownership and Land Reform Who Owns How Much?
Land Reform
Indigenous Lands Chapter 15: PRESERVING NATURE
Objectives Learning Online Ecotourism on the Roof of the World Parks and Nature Preserves Park Origins and History
North American Parks
World Parks and Preserves
What Do You Think? Yellowstone Wolves Wilderness Areas CASE STUDY: Zimbabwe's "Campfire" Program Wildlife Refuges Refuge Management
International Wildlife Preserves
Wetlands, Floodplains, and Coastal Regions Wetland Values
Wetland Destruction
Floods and Flood Control
Wetland and Floodplain Conservation
Beaches, Barrier Islands, and Estuaries PART FOUR: PHYSICAL RESOURCES
Chapter 16: Environmental Geology
Objectives 349 Learning Online Earthquake in India A Dynamic Planet A Layered Sphere
Tectonic Processes and Shifting Continents
Rocks and Minerals Rock Types and How They Are Formed
Economic Geology and Mineralogy Metals
Nonmetal Mineral Resources
What Do You Think? Should We Revise Mining Laws? Strategic Metals and Minerals
Environmental Effects of Resource Extraction Mining
CASE STUDY: Mining a Tropical Paradise Processing
Conserving Geologic Resources Recycling
Steel and Iron Recycling: Minimills
Substituting New Materials for Old
Geologic Hazards Earthquakes
Profile: Environmental Affairs Coordinator Chapter 17: AIR, WEATHER, AND CLIMATE
Objectives 369 Learning Online What's Happening to Our Climate? Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere Past and Present Composition
A Layered Envelope
The Great Weather Engine Solar Radiation Heats the Atmosphere
Convection Currents and Latent Heat
Weather Energy Balance in the Atmosphere
Convection Cells and Prevailing Winds
Jet Streams
Frontal Weather
Cyclonic Storms
Seasonal Winds
Weather Modification
Climate Climatic Catastrophes
Driving Forces and Patterns in Climatic Changes
El Niño/Southern Oscillations
Human-Caused Global Climate Change
Effects of Climate Change
Winners and Losers
Climate Skeptics
International Climate Negotiations
What Can You Do? Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions Controlling Greenhouse Emissions
Profile: Interpretive Naturalist Chapter 18: AIR POLLUTION
Objectives Learning Online A Plague of Smoke The Air Around Us Natural Sources of Air Pollution Human-Caused Air Pollution Primary and Secondary Pollutants
Conventional or "Criteria" Pollutants
Unconventional Pollutants
Indoor Air Pollution
IN DEPTH: Indoor Air Climate, Topography, and Atmospheric Processes Inversions
Dust Domes and Heat Islands
Long-Range Transport
Stratospheric Ozone
Effects of Air Pollution Human Health
Plant Pathology
Acid Deposition Air Pollution Control Moving Pollution to Remote Areas
Particulate Removal
Sulfur Removal
Nitrogen Oxide Control
Hydrocarbon Controls
What Can You Do? Saving Energy and Reducing Pollution Clean Air Legislation Current Conditions and Future Prospects Profile: Environmental Advocate Chapter 19: WATER USE AND MANAGEMENT
Objectives Learning Online Where Has the River Gone? Water Resources The Hydrologic Cycle
Rainfall and Topography
Desert Belts
Balancing the Water Budget
Major Water Compartments Oceans
Glaciers, Ice, and Snow
Rivers and Streams
Lakes and Ponds
The Atmosphere
Water Availability and Use
Water-Rich and Water-Poor Countries
Drought Cycles
Types of Water Use
Quantities of Water Used
Use by Sector
Freshwater Shortages A Precious Resource
Depleting Groundwater
Increasing Water Supplies Seeding Clouds and Towing Icebergs
Dams, Reservoirs, Canals, and Aqueducts
CASE STUDY: Rural Water Programs in Malawi Environmental Costs
What Do You Think? Should We Remove Dams? Water Management and Conservation Watershed Management
Domestic Conservation
Recycling and Water Conservation
Price Mechanisms and Water Policy
What Can You Do? Saving Water and Preventing Pollution Profile: Fisheries Biologist Chapter 20: WATER POLLUTION
Objectives Learning Online A Flood of Pigs What Is Water Pollution? Types and Effects of Water Pollution Infectious Agents
Oxygen-Demanding Wastes
Plant Nutrients and Cultural Eutrophication
Toxic Tides
Inorganic Pollutants
Organic Chemicals
Thermal Pollution and Thermal Shocks
IN DEPTH: Arsenic in Drinking Water Water Quality Today Surface Waters in the United States and Canada
Surface Waters in Other Countries
Groundwater and Drinking Water Supplies
Ocean Pollution Water Pollution Control Source Reduction
Nonpoint Sources and Land Management
CASE STUDY: Watershed Protection in the Catskills Human Waste Disposal
Water Remediation
Water Legislation The Clean Water Act
Clean Water Act Reauthorization
Other Important Water Legislation Chapter 21: CONVENTIONAL ENERGY
Objectives 475 Learning Online Oil and Wildlife in the Arctic What Is Energy and Where Do We Get It? A Brief Energy History
Current Energy Sources
Per Capita Consumption
How Energy Is Used Coal Coal Resources and Reserves
Air Pollution
Oil Oil Resources and Reserves
Oil Imports and Domestic Supplies
CASE STUDY: Black Gold from the Caspian Oil Shales and Tar Sands
Natural Gas Natural Gas Resources and Reserves
Unconventional Gas Sources
Nuclear Power How Do Nuclear Reactors Work?
Kinds of Reactors in Use
What Do You Think? Chernobyl: Could It Happen Here? Alternative Reactor Designs
Breeder Reactors
Radioactive Waste Management Ocean Dumping of Radioactive Wastes
Land Disposal of Nuclear Waste
Decommissioning Old Nuclear Plants
Changing Fortunes of Nuclear Power Nuclear Fusion U.S. Energy Policy Chapter 22: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY
Objectives Learning Online Buffalo Ridge Conservation Utilization Efficiencies
Energy Conversion Efficiencies
What Do You Think? Hybrid Automobile Engines Negawatt Programs
IN DEPTH: Personal Energy Efficiency Cogeneration
Tapping Solar Energy A Vast Resource
Passive Solar Heat
Active Solar Heat
What Can You Do? Some Things You Can Do to Save Energy High-Temperature Solar Energy Promoting Renewable Energy
Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Storing Electrical Energy
Fuel Cells Fuel Cell Types
Energy from Biomass Burning Biomass
Fuelwood Crisis in Less-Developed Countries
Dung and Methane as Fuels
Alcohol from Biomass
Crop Residues, Energy Crops, and Peat
Energy from the Earth's Forces Hydropower
Wind Energy
Geothermal Energy
Tidal and Wave Energy
Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion
Profile: Environmental Advocate PART FIVE: SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT
Objectives Learning Online What a Long, Strange Trip It Has Been Solid Waste The Waste Stream
Waste Disposal Methods Open Dumps
Ocean Dumping
Exporting Waste
Incineration and Resource Recovery
Shrinking the Waste Stream Recycling
What Do You Think? Environmental Justice Composting
Energy from Waste
Producing Less Waste
What Can You Do? Reducing Waste Hazardous and Toxic Wastes What Is Hazardous Waste?
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Superfund Sites
IN DEPTH: Cleaning Up Toxic Waste with Plants Options for Hazardous Waste Management
What Can You Do? Alternatives to Hazardous Household Chemicals Chapter 24: URBANIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES
Objectives Learning Online Chattanooga, A Model Sustainable City Urbanization What Is a City?
World Urbanization
Causes of Urban Growth Immigration Push Factors
Immigration Pull Factors
Government Policies
Current Urban Problems The Developing World
The Developed World
What Do You Think? People for Community Recovery Garden Cities and New Towns
New Urbanist Movement
Designing for Open Space
Sustainable Development in the Third World CASE STUDY: Curitiba: An Environmental Showcase Profile: Wetland Delineator Chapter 25: WHAT THEN SHALL WE DO?
Objectives Learning Online Global Anti-globalization Environmental Education Environmental Literacy
Citizen Science
Environmental Careers
Individual Accountability How Much Is Enough?
Shopping for Green Products
Blue Angels and Green Seals
What Can You Do? Reducing Consumption Limits of Green Consumerism
Paying Attention to What's Important
Collective Actions Student Environmental Groups
Mainline Environmental Organizations
Broadening the Environmental Agenda
Deep or Shallow Environmentalism?
What Do You Think? When Is Confrontation Appropriate? What Do You Think? When Is Cooperation Helpful? Radical Environmental Groups
Wise Use Movement
What Do You Think? Evaluating Extremist Claims Global Issues Public Opinions and Environmental Protection
Sustainable Development
International Nongovernmental Organizations
Green Government and Environmental Citizenship Environmental Citizenship
Green Politics
What Can Individuals Do?
The Earth Charter