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Environmental Science: A Global Concern, 7/e
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College
Barbara Woodworth Saigo, St. Cloud State University

Environmental Geology

Additional Readings

Alt, David D. 2001. Glacial Lake Missoula and Its Humongous Floods. The scablands of eastern Washington state were formed by catastrophic floods with greater flow than all the modern rivers of the world.

Anderson, Jack and Michael Binstein. January 1, 1996. "Greed is sinking tiny Pacific nation." The Washington Post v119 pB14 col 4. Nauru faces ecological disaster after uncontrolled mining of guano deposits.

Armstrong, J. and R. Menon. 1998. "Mining and Quarrying." In J.M. Stellman (ed) Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety 4th ed. Geneva: International Labour Organization. A summary of the health and safety risks in mining.

Bearce, Neil R. 1999. Minerals of Arizona : A Field Guide for Collectors. Geoscience Press. One of many guides to mineral collecting.

Becker, Luann. 2002. "Repeated Blows." Scientific American 286(3): 76-83. The discovery of noble gases trapped in fullerenes suggests that many great extinction events may have been caused by asteroid impacts.

Bruce, Viicotia. 2001. No Apparent Danger: The True Story of Volcanic Disaster at Galeras and Nevado Del Ruiz. Harpers. Describes the 1985 eruption and mud slide of Nevado Del Ruiz that buried 23,000 people as well as the 1993 eruption of Galeras in which nine geologists were killed while exploring the inside of the volcano crater.

Busch, Richard M. (ed). 1999. Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology. Prentice Hall. Richly illustrated text/CD-ROM manual for teaching laboratories in geology and geoscience.

Cane, Mark A. and Peter Molnar. 2002. "Closing of the Indonesian seaway as a precursor to east African aridification, around 3-4 million years ago." Nature 411:157-162 (2001); doi:10.1038/35075500. Closure of the Indonesian seaway as New Guinea drifted northward 3 Myr ago may have lead to Pleistocene glaciation and influenced the evolution of hominids via the aridification of Africa.

Chronic, Halka. 1987. Roadside Geology of New Mexico. Mountain Press Publishing.One in the Roadside Geology Series that now covers nearly every state.

Drasch, G., et al. 2001 "The Mt. Diwata study on the Philippines 1999 - assessing mercury intoxication of the population by small scale gold mining." The Science of the Total Environment 267(1- 3): 151-168. Mercury is often used to capture gold in mining operations. Its release into the environment is hazardous for living organisms.

Gonzalez Frank I. 1999. "Tsunami!" Scientific American 280 (5): 56-65. A chilling discussion of the sources and effects of monstrous waves.

Gurnis, Michael. 2001. "Sculpting the Earth from Inside Out." Scientific American 284(3): 40-47. A good description of plate tectonics.

Hofmann, A.W. 1997. "Early Evolution of Continents." Science 275:498. Geochemical methods are beginning to give some answers to questions about the early evolution of continents.

Holloway, Marguerite. 2000. "The Killing Lakes." Scientific American 283(1): 92-99. CO2 released from Lake Nyos in Cameroon killed 1,700 people and their livestock in 1986. Scientists are studying how to prevent a repeat of this tragedy.

Horner, Jack and John R. Horner. 2001. Dinosaurs : Under the Big Sky. From the geologic history of the state to fossil finds and techniques for collecting, this book will appeal to all would-be dinosaur hunters.

Kappele, William A. 1998. Rockhounding Nevada (FalconGuide). Falcon Publishing Co. One of many guides to mineral collecting.

Kennedy, Danny. 1997. "US Mine Gouges for Gold." Earth Island Journal 12(2):24. A chilling report on Freeport-McMoRan's Indonesian operation.

McClintock, J. 1999. "Under the Volcano." Discover November 1999: 83-89. The greatest geologic hazard in America may well be Mt. Rainier, which looms over suburban Seattle.

McGeary, David , Charles C. Plummer, & Diane H. Carlson. 2000. Physical Geology: Earth Revealed. McGraw Hill Co. An introduction to geology for non-science majors.

McPhee, John A. 2000. Annals of the Former World. Farrar Straus & Giroux. A compilation of four previous books on the geology of North America (Basin and Range, In Suspect Terrain, Rising from the Plains, and Assembling California) by a master writer.

McPhee, John. 1990. The Control of Nature. Noonday Press. Three fascinating examples of heroic human attempts to control geologic forces.

Mineral Policy Center. 1997. Golden Dreams, Poisoned Streams. Washington, DC: Mineral Policy Center. Assesses the destructive impact hardrock mining has on water resources.

Montgomery, C. W. 1997. Environmental Geology (4th ed.). Dubuque, IA: WCB/McGraw-Hill Co. Geology from an environmental perspective.

Orndorff, Richard L., Robert W. Wieder, and Harry F. Filkorn. 2000. Geology Underfoot in Central Nevada (Yes, Geology Underfoot). Mountain Press. Great title.

Pinter, Nicholas and Mark T. Brandon. 1997 "How Erosion Builds Mountains." Scientific American 276(4): 74-81. Although we usually think of volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate collisions as the main mountain-building forces, erosion also plays a role.

Plummer, C. C., et al. 2001. Physical Geology 8th ed. Dubuque, IA: WCB/McGraw-Hill Co. A good introduction to basic geology.

Pritchard, Matthew E. and Mark Simons. 2002. "A satellite geodetic survey of large-scale deformation of volcanic centers in the central Andes." Nature 418: 167-171 (2002). A satellite survey of 900 volcanoes in the remote central Andes suggests that more volcanoes are active at any one time than was previously suspected.

Rasmussen, Matt. 1997. "The Golden Giveawa." Inner Voice May/June 1997: 10-13. A criticism of the U.S. Mining Law of 1872 and the low prices charged for mining on public land.

Reichow, M. K., et al. 2002. "40Ar/39Ar dates on basalts from the West Siberian Basin: doubled extent of the Siberian flood basalt province." Science 296: 1846-1849. Massive lava flows in Siberia 250 million years ago were at least twice as large as previously thought, and may have caused the biggest extinction the world has ever seen.

Ripley, E. A., et al. 1996. Environmental Effects of Mining. Delray Beach, FL: St. Lucie Press. An overview of mining impacts.

Russell, Dick. 1998. "Deep Blues." The Amicus Journal 19(4):25-29. The lowdown on deep-sea mining.

Shenon, Phillip. December 10, 1995. "A Pacific Nation is Stripped of Everything." The New York Times v145 p S1. After 90 years of strip-mining, almost nothing is left of the tiny Pacific island of Nauru.

Tarbuck, Edward J., et al. (eds) 2002. Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology (With CD-ROM). Prentice Hall. A new textbook/CDROM combination for physical geology.

Wilkinson, Todd. 1997. "Monster Mine Still Threatens Yellowstone." Inner Voice May/June 1997:21-22. Good information on the proposed New World Mine on the Beartooth Plateau.

Williams, Ted. 2001. "Mountain Madness." Audubon 103(3): 36-43. An angry denunciation of mountain top removal in West Virginia.

Wyss, A., et al. 1999. "Fire, Ice, Fossils." Natural History 108(5): 38-41. A geological history of the Andes.

Yeats, Robert S. 2001. Living with Earthquakes in California: A Survivor's Guide. Oregon State Univ. Press. A history of California's earthquakes, how they were caused, and how to avoid danger.