Altabet, M A, et al., 2002. "The effect of millennial-scale changes in
Arabian Sea denitrification on atmospheric CO2." Nature 10 January
2002, vol 415: 159-162. Changes in nitrogen concentration in sediment cores
from the Arabian Sea suggest a change in the rate release of nitrogen from the
ocean during glacial periods. Alley, Richard B. and Michael L. Bender. 1998. "Greenland Ice Cores: Frozen
in Time." Scientific American 278(2): 80-85. Glacial ice preserves
a record of the earth's climate and atmosphere. Alley, Richard, et al. "Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable changes."
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press (2002). A special report by the National
Academy of Science. Arendt, A. A., et al. 2002. "Rapid wastage of Alaska glaciers and their
contribution to rising sea level." Science 297: 382-386 (2002).
Alaskan glaciers are melting twice as fast as previously thought. Ayres, Robert U. 2001. "How Economists Have Misjudged Global Warming."
World Watch 14(5): 12-25. The Bush administration rejected the Kyoto
climate treaty because it believed reducing carbon dioxide emissions would hurt
the economy. This author argues that reducing pollution could help the economy
prosper. Beardsley, T. 2000. "Dissecting a Hurricane." Scientific American 282(3):
80-85. Scientists fly into the eye of a hurricane to gain new insights into
how they work. Becker, L., et al. "Impact event at the Permian-Triassic boundary: evidence
from extraterrestrial noble gases in fullerenes." Science 291: 1530-1533
(2001). More evidence that an asteroid impact may have caused mass extinction
at the end of the Permian epoch. Bentley, Charles R. 1997. "Rapid Sea-Level Rise Soon from West Antarctic
Ice Sheet Collapse?" Science 275(5303):1077-1078. A cautiously optimistic
appraisal of the potential for global warming to cause rapid melting of Antarctic
ice. Berger, A. & M.F. Loutre. 2002. "An exceptionally long interglacial
ahead?" Science 297: 1287-1288 (2002). We may be causing a permanent
warm age. Bolin, B. 1998. "The Kyoto negotiations on Climate Change: A Science Perspective."
Science 279: 330-331.What's the science behind the Kyoto Protocol? Boyle, R. H. 1999. "Global Warming: You're Getting Warmer." Audubon
101(6): 80-87. An interview with climatologist James Hansen. Bremer, D.J., et al. 1996. "Effect of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
and Open-Top Chambers on Transpiration in a Tallgrass Prairie," Journal
of Environmental Quality 25(4): 691-701. Field studies of plant responses
to elevated CO2 can give very different results than greenhouse experiments. Cerveny, R. S. & K.J. Coakley. 2002. "A weekly cycle in atmospheric
carbon dioxide." Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 10.1029/2001GL013952
(2002). Records at Mauna Loa Observatory show lower concentrations of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere on weekends than during the week when cities have
more traffic. Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources. 2000. Reconciling
Observation of Global Temperature Change. Washington, DC: National Academy
Press. A good presentation of the science behind global climate change. Darst, Robert G. 2001. Smokestack Diplomacy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
A fascinating look at international environmental politics. Dauncey, Guy. 2001. Stormy Weather: 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change.
Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Publishers. Practical actions for individuals,
communities, and nations to combat global climate change. De Leo, G A., et al. 2001. "Carbon emissions: The economic benefits of
the Kyoto Protocol." Nature 413: 478-479 (4 October 2001). Concludes
that if the costs in terms of damage to human health, material goods, agriculture
and the environment caused by greenhouse gas emissions are included in the equation,
the economic argument against Kyoto is untenable. Dickson, Bob, et al. 2002. "Rapid freshening of the deep North Atlantic
Ocean over the past four decades." Nature 416: 832-837. Evidence
suggests that deep ocean circulation in the North Atlantic has changed over
the past four decades. Is this evidence of global climate change? Epstein, Paul R. 2000. "Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?" Scientific
American 283 (2): 50-57. Suggests that infectious diseases will surge as
the climate warms. Falkowski, Paul G. 2002. "The Ocean's Invisible forest." Scientific
American 287(2): 54-61. Marine algae play a much larger role than previously
thought in balancing the earth's climate, absorbing about as much carbon each
year as all terrestrial plants. Finney, B. P., et al. 2002. "Fisheries productivity in the northeastern
Pacific Ocean over the past 2,200 years." Nature 416: 729-733. Paleoecological
studies show that fish stocks fluctuate widely over periods of centuries, apparently
due to climate changes. Flavin, Christopher. 1997. "Climate Change and Storm Damage: The Insurance
Costs Keep Rising." World Watch Journal January/February 1997: 10-11.
Insurance companies are quite worried about potential losses if global climate
change brings more severe weather. Freeman, C., et al. "Export of organic carbon from peat soils." Nature
412: 785 (2001). Oxidation of peat lands may be both a consequence and a cause
of global warming. Frischetti, Mark. 2001. "Drowning New Orleans." Scientific American
285(4): 76-85. A major hurricane could swamp the city under 20 feet of water,
killing thousands. Ganopolski, A. & S. Rahmstorf. 2001. "Rapid changes of glacial climate
simulated in a coupled climate model." Nature 409: 153-158 (2001).
Suggests that the world's oceans may not have stopped circulating in glacial
times, as has been thought. Instead, the site in the North Atlantic where cold,
salty water sinks to the deep ocean may just have shifted slightly south. Gelbspan, Ross. 1997. The Heat is On. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman,
Inc. Criticizes fossil fuel and conservative politicians who confuse
the public about global warming and the disruptive weather patterns that mark
its initial stages. Govindan, R. B., et al. 2002. "Global climate models violate scaling of
the observed atmospheric variability." Physical Review Letters,
89, 28501 (2002). Models simulating global climate don't capture fine-scale
temperature variations. Grimmond, C. S. B., et al. 2002. "Local-scale fluxes of CO2 in urban environments:
Methodological challenges and results from Chicago." Environmental Pollution
116: 243-254 (2002). City centers emit CO2, but leafy suburbs actually absorb
it. Grubb, Michael. 2001. "Hold tight at The Hague." Climate Policy
1(1): 3-4, See several other articles by Noble, Yamagata, Haites, Mastepanov,
Begg, vrolijk, Sepledge, Cadena, et al summarizing the climate negotiations
at the Hague. Hall, A. & R. J. Stouffer. 2001. "An abrupt climate event in a coupled
ocean-atmosphere simulation without external forcing." Nature 409:
171-174 (2001). A new model shows how the ocean's circulation could change over
a 15,000-year period if the climate remained as it is today, that is, without
any further human impacts. Harris, Robert N. and David S. Chapman. 1997. "Borehole Temperatures and
a Baseline for 20th-Century Global Warming Estimates." Science 275(5306):
1618-1622. Deep wells provide a good record of climate over the past millennium.
This study suggests that recent global warming is greater than previously suspected. Hay, S. I., et al. 2002. "Climate change and the resurgence of malaria
in the East African Highlands." Nature 415: 905-909 (2002). Climate
change can't explain the growth of malaria in the highlands of East Africa.
Drawing simplistic links between global warming and local disease patterns could
lead to mistaken policy decisions. Herzog, Howard, et al. 2000. "Capturing Greenhouse gases." Scientific
American 282 (2): 72-89. Discusses ways to collect CO2 and bury
it deep underground or in the ocean. Hungate, B.A., et al. 1997. "Stimulation of Grassland Nitrogen Cycling
Under Carbon Dioxide Enrichment." Oecologia 109(1): 149-153. CO2
enhances plant growth but can cause stress in nitrogen-limited ecosystems. Hurrell, J. W. "Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation: regional
temperatures and precipitation." Science 269: 676-679 (1995). Understanding
climatic variations in the arctic could help researchers predict the effects
of global warming. Jacobs, S. S., C.F.Giulivi and P.A. Mele. 2002. "Freshening of the Ross
Sea during the late 20th century." Science 297: 386-389 (2002).
Alaskan glaciers are melting faster than previously thought. Kaiho, K., et al. "End-Permian catastrophe by a bolide impact: evidence
of a gigantic release of sulfur from the mantle." Geology 29: 815-818
(2001). Suggests that an asteroid impact killed 95 percent of all species at
the end of the Permian. Karl, T. R. and K. E. Trenberth. 1999. "The Human Impact of Climate." Scientific
American 281(6): 100-105 (December 1999). A good review of the current state
of climate research. Karl, Thomas R., et al. 1997. "The Coming Climate." Scientific
American 276(5): 78-83. A cautious analysis of potential for severe weather
and other climate extremes as a result of global warming. Karliner, Joshua, et al. 1997. "The Barons of Bromide: The Corporate Forces
Behind Toxic Poisoning and Ozone Depletion." The Ecologist 27(3):
90-98. A biting critique of the bromine industry. Khodri, M., et al. 2001. "Simulating the amplification of orbital forcing
by ocean feedbacks in the last glaciation." Nature 410 (6828): 570-574.
Including ocean effects in global climate models helps explain the Milankovitch
theory. Koch, G.W. and H.A. Mooney, eds. 1996. Carbon Dioxide and Terrestrial Ecosystems.
San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Some ecosystems will flourish under CO2
enrichment while others will be disturbed. Koutavas, A., et al. 2002. "El Niño-like pattern in ice age tropical
Pacific sea surface temperature." Science 297: 226-230 (2002). During
past ice ages, the tropical Pacific Ocean behaved rather as it does today in
an El Niño event, bringing downpours to some places and drought to others. Knutti, Reto, et al. 2002. "Constraints on radiative forcing and future
climate change from observations and climate model ensembles." Nature
416: 719-723 (18 April 2002). New climate models suggest that there is a 40%
probability that global temperatures will exceed the range predicted by the
IPCC, but only a 5% probability that warming will fall below that range. Kump, Lee R. 2002. "Reducing uncertainty about carbon dioxide as a climate
driver." Nature 419:188-190 (2002); doi:10.1038/nature01087. Discusses
ways to make climate prediction more accurate. Leggett, Jeremy. 2001. Carbon War: Global Warming and the end of the Oil
Era. Routledge Press. An activist describes the scientific, governmental,
and business perspectives on global warming. Lindzen, R. S., M.D. Chou, & A.Y. Hou. 2001. "Does the Earth have
an adaptive infrared -iris?" Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 82: 417- 432 (2001). Cloud effects may balance global warming. Luterbacher, Urs and Detlef f. Sprinz. 2001. International Relations and
Global Climate Change. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Conceptual, theoretical,
and methodological approaches to dealing with global climate change. Lynch, Colum. 1998. "Stormy Weather." The Amicus Journal 19(4):
25-29. Introduction to the international conference in Kyoto--and the controversies. Lynch-Stieglitz, J., W.B. Curry, & N. Slowey. "Weaker Gulf Stream
in the Florida Straits during the Last Glacial Maximum." Nature
402: 644 (1999). Evidence suggests that during the last Ice Age, some 12,000
years ago, the deep-water current transported far less water than it does today
and the sinking of dense water at the Poles may have stopped entirely. Manne, Alan S. and Richard G. Richels. 2001. "An alternative approach
to establishing tradeoffs among greenhouse gases." Nature 410 (6829):
675-677. A model is proposed for establishing equivalences between greenhouse
gases for the purpose of emissions trading. Marland, Gregg, Kristy Fruit, & Roger Sedjo. 2001. "Accounting for
sequestered carbon: the question of permanence." Environmental Science
and Policy 4(6): 259-268. Suggests that emissions credits should be rented,
not sold, to account for re-emission when forests are cut. Milly, P. C. D., et al. 2002. "Increasing risk of great floods in a changing
climate." Nature 415: 514-517 (31 January 2002). Records show that
the frequency of floods with discharges exceeding 100-year levels increased
substantially during the twentieth century, and models suggest the trend is
likely to continue. Missfeldt, Fanny and Erik Haites. 2001. "The potential contribution of
sinks to meeting Kyoto Protocol commitments." Environmental Science
and Policy 4(6): 269 - 292. Analyzes the potential contribution of sink
enhancement activities to meeting commitments of industrialized countries in
the Koto Protocol. Moore, N. & Rojstaczer, S.2001. "Irrigation-induced rainfall and the
Great Plains." Journal of Applied Meteorology 40: 1297-1309 (2001).
Heavy irrigation in Texas is shifting normal rainfall patterns. Moulin, C., et al. 1997. "Control of Atmospheric Export of Dust from North
Africa by the North Atlantic Oscillation." Nature 386: 691. A report
on transport of dust from North Africa across the ocean to North America. National Assessment Synthesis Team, U. S. Global Change Research Program. 2000.
Climate Change Impacts on the United States. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press. Interesting projections of the impacts of global climate change. Nemitz, E., Hargreaves, et al. 2002. "Micrometeorological measurements
of the urban heat budget and CO2 emissions on a city scale." Environmental
Science and Technology, published online doi:10.1021/es010277e (2002). Cars
and home heating account for most urban CO2. O'Dowd, Colin D., et al. 2002. "Marine aerosol formation from biogenic
iodine emissions." Nature 417: 632-636 (6 June 2002). Dimethyl sulphide
(DMS) released by marine phytoplankton has been thought to be the main source
of cloud-forming aerosols, but iodine, also emitted by marine organisms may
also play a role in global cooling. O'Meara, Molly. 1997. "The Risks, and How We Will Manage Them." World
Watch Journal 10(6): 10-24. A preview of the 1997 International meeting
on global climate change in Kyoto, Japan. Obasi, G.O.P. 1998. "The atmosphere: global commons to protect."
Our Planet 7(5): 5-8. Describes the risks from climate change and ozone
depletion, and how the World Meteorological Organization addresses the protection
of the atmosphere. Oren, R., et al. "Soil fertility limits carbon sequestration by forest
ecosystems in a CO2-enriched atmosphere." Nature 411: 469-472 (2001).
Evidence that forests may not act as sinks for excess atmospheric carbon. Ou, H.W. 2001. "Possible bounds on the Earth's surface temperature: from
the perspective of a conceptual global-mean model." Journal of Climate
14: 2976-2988, (2001). The Earth's climate may depend less on the Sun than we
might think. Palmer, T. N. & J. Räisänen. 2002. "Quantifying the risk
of extreme seasonal precipitation events in a changing climate." Nature
415: 512-514 (31 January 2002). Models suggest a fivefold increase in excessive
rainfall, over parts of the British Isles over the next 100 years and similar
increases for the Asian monsoon region--with serious implications for flood-prone
areas in Bangladesh. Paterson, W. S. B & Niels Reeh. 2001 "Thinning of the ice sheet in
northwest Greenland over the past forty years." Nature 414: 60-62
(1 November 2001). The northwest part of the Greenland ice sheet is thinning
more rapidly than previously suspected. Pearson, P. N., et al. 2001. "Warm tropical sea surface temperatures in
the Late Cretaceous and Eocene epochs." Nature 413: 481-487 (4 October
2001). A paradox in palaeoclimatology has been the apparent existence of a cool
sea surface in the tropics under conditions of high CO2 in the atmosphere. New
evidence suggests that the tropics were warmer during glacial periods than previously
thought. Peterson, T.C., et al. 1999. "Global Rural Temperature Trends." Geophysical
Research Letters 26: 329-332. Rural measurements show global warming more
accurately than urban stations. Peterson, A.T., et al. 2002. "Future projections for Mexican faunas under
global climate change scenarios." Nature 416: 626-629 (2002). Computer
models suggest that climate change will rearrange wildlife and that many areas
may have radically different inhabitants within 50 years. Picaut, J., et al. 1996. "Mechanism of the Zonal Displacements of the
Pacific Warm Pool: Implications for ENSO." Science 274(5292): 1486-1489.
What forcing factors drive El Niño? Potter, C., et al. 2001. "Biomass burning losses of carbon estimated from
ecosystem modeling and satellite data analysis for the Brazilian Amazon region."
Atmospheric Environment 35 (10): 1773-1781. Prokopenko, Alexander A., et al. 2002. "Muted climate variations in continental
Siberia during the mid-Pleistocene epoch." Nature 418: 65-68 (2002).
The sediment record from Lake Baikal suggests that the climate change between
glacial and interglacial 480,000 to 380,000 years ago was milder than the more
recent glacial-interglacial transition of 100,000 to 10,000 years ago. Reay, D.2001. "New directions: my own private Kyoto." Atmospheric
Environment 35: 4887-4888 (2001). Individual actions can help reduce global
warming. Reich, Peter B., et al. 2001. "Plant diversity enhances ecosystem responses
to elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition." Nature 410:
809-810. In grassland field experiments, plots with greater plant diversity
had greater biomass accumulation in response to nitrogen fertilization and doubled
CO2 levels than plots with fewer species. Richey, J. E., et al. 2002. "Outgassing from Amazonian rivers and wetlands
as a large tropical source of atmospheric CO2." Nature 416: 617-620
(2002). The rivers and wetlands of South America's Amazon rainforest breathe
out as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year as the dry regions
of the forest absorb. Rodhe, H., et al. 1997. "Svante Arrhenius and the Greenhouse Effect."
Ambio 26(1): 1-4. The lead article in a special issue commemorating the
100-year anniversary of the publication of Svante Arrhenius' landmark paper
on the greenhouse effect. Roig, Fidel A., et al. 2001. "Climate variability 50,000 years ago in
mid-latitude Chile reconstructed from tree rings." Nature 410 (6828):
567-570. A tree ring chronology for a 1,229 year period developed from fossil
stumps of Fitzroya cupressoides buried in coastal sediments shows that
the climate 50,000 years ago was not dissimilar from today. Romm, Joseph. J. 1999. Cool Companies: How the Best businesses Boost Profits
and Productivity by Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Covelo, CA: Island
Press. Examples of companies that save money and increase productivity by reducing
greenhouse gases. Sagarin, R. & F. Micheli. 2001. "Climate Change in Nontraditional
Data Sets." Science 294: 811 (2001). Amateur observations of seasonal
changes are helpful in documenting climate changes. Schimel, D. S., et al. "Recent patterns and mechanisms of carbon exchange
by terrestrial ecosystems." Nature 414: 169-172 (8 November 2001). A new
synthesis of recent information on continental and global patterns of terrestrial
ecosystem carbon exchange confirms that the terrestrial biosphere was a carbon
sink in the 1990s. Schlesinger, W. & J. Lichter. "Limited carbon storage in soil and
litter of experimental forest plots under increased atmospheric CO2." Nature
411: 466-469 (2001). Evidence that forests may not act as sinks for excess atmospheric
carbon. Schneider, David. 1997. "The Rising Seas." Scientific American
276(3): 112-117. What is the likelihood that rapid movement of Antarctic ice
sheets will cause catastrophic sea-level rises? Schneider, Stephen, et al. (eds) 2002. Climate Change Policy: A Survey.
Island Press. A group of distinguished scientists analyze climate science and
policy. Sparks, T., Roy, D. & C. Mason. 2000. Essex Naturalist 17: 31-37
(2000). Amateur records show that many natural events now occur earlier across
much of the northern hemisphere than they did 20 years ago. Steiger, S. M., R.E. Orville & G. Huffines. "Cloud-to-Ground lightning
characteristics over Houston, Texas: 1989-2000." Journal of Geophysical
Research - Atmospheres, 107, Published online doi:10.1029/2001JD001142 (2002).
Hot, dirty air over big cities triggers lightning. Stott, Peter A., et al. 2000. "External Control of 20th Century
Temperature: Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings." Science 290: 2133-2137.
A comparison of two major climate models shows that humans are playing a significant
role in global warming. Stott, L., et al. 2002. "Super ENSO and global climate oscillations at
millennial time scales." Science 297: 222-226 (2002). During past
ice ages, the tropical Pacific Ocean behaved rather as it does today in an El
Niño event. The Social Learning Group. 2001. Learning to Manage Global Environmental
Risks: Volume 1, A Comparative History of Social Responses to Climate Change,
Ozone Depletion, and Acid Rain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A look at how
ideas, interests, and institutions affect environmental management. Travis, D. J., A.M. Carleton, & R.G. Lauritsen. 2002. "Contrails reduce
daily temperature range." Nature 418: 601 (2002). The 2001 air-traffic
moratorium opened window on contrails and climate. Upgren, Artur and Jurgen Stock. 2001. Weather: How It Works and Why It Matters.
Freeman. A popular description of weather and climate. Watson, Robert T., et al., eds. 1997. The Regional Impacts of Climate Change:
An Assessment of Vulnerability. London: Cambridge University Press. This
is the summary document of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working
Group on the risks of global warming. Zwiers, F. W. and A. J. Weaver. 2000. "The Causes of 20th Century
Warming." Science 290: 2081-2083. Considers evidence that humans
are playing a significant role in global warming. |