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Environmental Science: A Global Concern, 7/e
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College
Barbara Woodworth Saigo, St. Cloud State University

Solid, Toxic, and Hazardous Waste

Additional Readings

Ackerman, Frank. 1997. Why Do We Recycle? Covelo, CA: Island Press. Examines arguments for and against recycling.

Appelhof, Mary. 1997. Worms Eat My Garbage : How to Set Up & Maintain a Worm Composting System. Flowerfield Press.

Bartsch, Charles and Elizabeth C. Collaton. 1997. Brownfields: Cleaning and Reusing Contaminated Properties. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Unused, contaminated urban lands are a serious barrier to community development.

Berglund, Christer, et al. 2002. "A note on inter-country differences in waste paper recovery and utilization." Resources Conservation and Recycling Vol. 34 (3) (2002) pp. 175 - 191. Using data from 89 countries, the authors show that concludes that relative waste paper recovery and use are largely market-determined, and depend thus on long-standing economic factors such as population intensity and competitiveness in the world

Brand, Martha and John Herman. 1997. "Brownfields in Bloom: Restoring Contaminated Properties." Bench & Bar May/June 1997: 33-37. Legal issues in Superfund reclamation.

Buenrostro, O, G. Bocco, and S. Cram. 2001. "Classification of sources of municipal solid wastes in developing countries." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 32(1): 29-41. Research on sources and types of wastes in developing countries.

Bullard, Robert D. 2000. Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class, and Environmental Quality 3rd ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. A revised classic in the field of environmental justice.

Burgos, M. G., and P. S. Rainbow. 2001. "Availability of cadmium and zinc from sewage sludge to the flounder, Platichthys flesus, via a marine food chain." Marine Environmental Research 51(5): 417-439. Heavy metals in sewage sludge represent a serious threat to marine food webs.

Connett, P. and E. Connett. 1994. "Municipal Waste Incineration: Wrong Question, Wrong Answer." The Ecologist 24(1): 14-19. An eloquent critique of waste incineration.

Crowther, R. 2002. "Space junk - Protecting space for future generations." Science 296: 123-321. Experts propose a plan to stop filling space with junk.

Edelstein, Michael. 2001. Contaminated communities: Psychosocial Impacts from the Contamination of Home and Place 2nd ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. A psychosocial view of toxic contamination and its effects.

Faber, D. 1998. The Struggle for Ecological Democracy: Environmental Justice Movements in the United States. New York: Guilford. Examples and case studies from the environmental justice movement.

Gardner, Gary and Payal Sampat. 1999. "Making Things Last: Reinventing Our Material Culture." The Futurist, May 1999: 24-28. Good tips on how we can reduce trash production.

Gould, Kenneth A., Allan Schnaiberg, & Adam S. Weinberg. 1996. Local Environmental Struggles : Citizen Activism in the Treadmill of Production. Cambridge Univ. Press. Describes local struggles over wetlands protection, water pollution of the Great Lakes, and consumer waste recycling.

Greenpeace. 1997. "Stop Shintech's PVC Machine." Greenpeace Quarterly 2(1): 10. Local residents in Louisiana's "cancer alley" organize to resist more pollution.

Harker, Donald F. and Elizabeth U. Nattter. 1994. Where We Live: A Citizen's Guide to Conducting a Community Environmental Inventory. Island Press. A practical handbook for citizen involvement.

Hinchee, Robert e., et al. 1994. Applied Biotechnology for Site Remediation. Lewis Pub. Practical techniques for site remediation with biotechnology.

Horrigan, Alice and Jim Motavalli. 1997. "Talking Trash." E Magazine 8(2): 28-35. Recycling is under attack, but its successes outweigh its setbacks.

Langewiesche, William. 2000. "The Shipbreakers." Atlantic Monthly 262 (2): 31-51. A chilling story of how obsolete ships are dismantled on the beach at Anlang, India.

Low, N. and B. Gleeson. 1998. Justice, Society and Nature: An exploration of political ecology. London: Routledge. A comprehensive discussion of the roots of environmental justice.

Montague, Peter. 1997. "A New U.S. Waste Strategy Emerges, Part I." Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly #560 [Web site:] Annapolis, MD: Environmental Research Foundation.

O'Neill, K. 2000. Waste Trading Among Rich Nations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Most hazardous waste shipments are between wealthy industrialized countries. What are its effects and how should it be regulated?

Pellow, David N. 2002. Garbage Wars: The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Chicago. MIT Press. A history of conflicts over waste dumping, incineration, and landfills in low-income and minority communities in Chicago over the past 120 years.

Poore, P. 1992. "Disposable Diapers Are OK." Garbage 4(5): 26-32. Compares the life cycle costs of disposable and reusable diapers.

Rathje, William L. 2001. Rubbish!: The Archaeology of Garbage. University of Arizona Press. The science of garbology.

Russell, Dick. 1995. "Moving Mountains." The Amicus Journal 6(4): 39-42. Describes how a Native American tribe organized to close a dump on their land.

Ryan, John C. and Alan T. Durning. 1997. Stuff: The Secret Lives of Everyday Things. Seattle: Northwest Environment Watch. What happens to all our stuff when we discard it?

Sikalidis, C.A., et al. 2002. "Utilization of municipal solid wastes for mortar production." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 36(2): 155 - 167. Often reuse is better than recycling.

Tammemagi, Hans Y. 1999. The Waste Crisis: Landfills, Incinerators, and the Search for a Sustainable Future. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. A global overview of the problem of waste disposal.

Taylor, D. (ed). 2000. "Advances in Environmental Justice." American Behavioral Scientist 43(4): January 2000. A special issue devoted to this topic.

Waite, Richard. 1995. Household Waste Recycling. Earthscan. How to recycle your household waste.

Warren, K. 1999. "Environmental Justice." Environmental Ethics : 21(2): 151-160. An ecofeminist view of justice.

Weinberg, Adam S., David N. Pellow, and Allan Schnaiberg. 2000. Urban Recycling and the Search for Sustainable Community Development. Princeton Univ. Press. Compares recycling programs in Chicago including a community-based drop-off center, a municipal curbside program, and a recycling industrial park.

Zago, C. et al. 2001. "Changes in the metal content of surficial sediments of Boston Harbor since the cessation of sludge discharge." Marine Environmental Research 51(5): 389-415. Dumping of sewage sludge into Boston Harbor created an anoxic zone laden with toxic metals, which will remain in sediments for years.