1 |  |  Criticisms of the World Trade Organization include claims that the WTO |
|  | A) | has been favoring the interests of the rich countries. |
|  | B) | is a threat to environmental justice and labor rights. |
|  | C) | is a threat to national sovereignty. |
|  | D) | is all of the above. |
2 |  |  Affluenza is |
|  | A) | a microbial disease associated with crowded cities. |
|  | B) | a drive to attain fulfilled lives through buying and possessing things. |
|  | C) | growingly recognized as the key to more satisfying lives. |
3 |  |  An international survey identified _____ as the most influential environmental book. |
|  | A) | A Sand County Almanac, by Aldo Leopold, |
|  | B) | The Population Bomb, by Paul Ehrich, |
|  | C) | Walden, by Henry David Thoreau, |
|  | D) | Men and Nature, by George Perkins Marsh, |
4 |  |  The need for environmental professionals is _____ while the number of students preparing for these types of careers is ______ . |
|  | A) | falling, falling |
|  | B) | falling, rising |
|  | C) | rising, falling |
|  | D) | rising, rising |
5 |  |  An environmentally educated person |
|  | A) | understands that environmental issues are underlain by scientific facts and concepts. |
|  | B) | gets involved in the improvement and restoration of environmental quality. |
|  | C) | understands that human society is influencing not only the environment but the tools to be used to address these issues. |
|  | D) | does all of the above. |
6 |  |  The voluntary simplicity movement is characterized by the belief that |
|  | A) | consumption doesn’t fulfill deep human needs. |
|  | B) | working at stressful jobs in order to buy more stuff is nonsense. |
|  | C) | simpler lives mean more fulfilled lives. |
|  | D) | all of the above are true. |
7 |  |  Choices for reducing personal environmental impact include |
|  | A) | using an item as long as possible. |
|  | B) | minimizing car use by car pooling, biking, or using public transportation when possible. |
|  | C) | minimize purchase of disposable items. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
8 |  |  Green Scam marketer's phrases that often have little or no significance include |
|  | A) | "biodegradable" |
|  | B) | "organic" |
|  | C) | "natural" |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
9 |  |  Examples of "green consumerism" include purchase of |
|  | A) | recycled paper products. |
|  | B) | energy efficient appliances. |
|  | C) | cars that get high gas mileage. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
10 |  |  Things important to consider when organizing an environmental campaign include |
|  | A) | making sure the goals are realistic. |
|  | B) | assessing effectiveness of different tactics. |
|  | C) | identifying potential allies. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
11 |  |  Arguments in favor of a confrontational stance to accomplish environmental goals include all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | civil disobedience has a long history of success. |
|  | B) | when no other ways of producing change are available, confrontation is the last resort. |
|  | C) | some situations make it morally necessary. |
|  | D) | might makes right. |
12 |  |  Arguments in favor of a cooperative and compromising approach to accomplish environmental goals include all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | advocates are less likely to be co-opted by the opposition. |
|  | B) | solutions can be reached that would have been impossible using confrontation. |
|  | C) | people more readily come to understand the positions of opponents. |
|  | D) | solutions are more likely to "stick" if both sides have agreed than if one side simply overpowers the other. |
13 |  |  The "wise use" movement advocates |
|  | A) | increased government regulation of industries causing pollution. |
|  | B) | unlimited access to resources. |
|  | C) | increased fines and penalties for violators of environmental laws. |
|  | D) | more than one of the above. |
14 |  |  Antienvironmental members of Congress advocate |
|  | A) | weakening wetland protection. |
|  | B) | weakening the Endangered Species Act. |
|  | C) | easing restrictions on air pollution. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
15 |  |  A recent Canadian poll revealed the top concern of Canadians to be |
|  | A) | unemployment. |
|  | B) | environmental pollution. |
|  | C) | depletion of natural resources. |
|  | D) | excessive taxation. |
16 |  |  Support for environmental protection tends to be _____ in countries where pollution is severe and ______ in countries with much cleaner environments. |
|  | A) | high, high |
|  | B) | high, low |
|  | C) | low, high |
|  | D) | low, low |
17 |  |  Tenets of sustainable development include |
|  | A) | stabilization of world population. |
|  | B) | a shift to higher efficiency of energy use. |
|  | C) | increased reliance on renewable resources. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
18 |  |  NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT they |
|  | A) | have rapidly increased in numbers. |
|  | B) | are yet to become effective in environmental issues. |
|  | C) | are associated with developed nations. |
|  | D) | often work for political change. |
19 |  |  Tenets of deep ecology include |
|  | A) | voluntary simplicity. |
|  | B) | embracing biocentrism. |
|  | C) | active participation to protect nature. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
20 |  |  Important ways an environmentally concerned person can influence environmental policy include |
|  | A) | becoming active in politics. |
|  | B) | contacting legislators by phone or letter. |
|  | C) | keeping track of voting records of elected officials and using them to inform choices at the ballot box. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
21 |  |  The Earth Charter |
|  | A) | resulted from action by the United Nations. |
|  | B) | states that we all share responsibility for caring for life's diversity. |
|  | C) | advocates eradication of poverty. |
|  | D) | is characterized by all of the above. |
22 |  |  There is consensus among critics of the WTO that the organization needs to be shut down. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
23 |  |  The EPA estimates substantial job opportunities for environmental professionals arising over the next five years. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
24 |  |  A growing number of Americans are suggesting that simplification of wants and reduced consumption enhances quality of life. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
25 |  |  Mainline environmental organizations have been criticized for being too quick to compromise. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
26 |  |  The large national environmental organizations are widely viewed as having lost effectiveness. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
27 |  |  The Blue Angels and Green Seals are rock bands that try to foster a caring attitude toward the environment through music. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
28 |  |  Voluntary simplicity is one of the tenets of deep ecology. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
29 |  |  Recent opinion polls in the U.S. indicate waning public support for strict protection of environmental quality. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
30 |  |  Actions of the World Trade Organization reinforce its image as a secretive and high-handed organization. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |