Agrawal, A. A. and P.A.Van Zandt. 2002. "The community ecology of live
long and prosper." Trend sin Ecol. Evol 17, 62 (2002). A study of
sawflies feeding on birch trees in Finland, is presented as evidence against
neutrality theories of species' patterns of distribution and abundance. Allaby, Michael. 1999. A dictionary of Plant Sciences 2nd ed.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. A comprehensive introduction to botany. Altieri, M.A. 1999. "The ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems."
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74: 19-31. Biodiversity is not
just important in wilderness preserves. Baskin, Y. 1999. The Work of Nature: How the Diversity of Life Sustains
Us. Covelo, CA: Island Press. The benefits of biodiversity. Begon, Michael, C. R. Townsend, and J. L. Harper. 1998. Ecology : Individuals,
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environmental science. Bell, G., M.J. Lechowicz and M.J. Waterway. 2000. "Environmental heterogeneity
and species diversity of forest sedges." Journal of Ecology 88,
67 - 87 (2000). Canadian transplantation studies don't show any powerful degree
of local adaptation. Sometimes the rarest species is the most successful in
a new location. Bolnick, Daniel I. 2001. "Intraspecific competition favors niche width
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When interspecific competition is reduced, competition within a species becomes
a potent evolutionary force leading to rapid diversification. Brian A. Maurer 1999. Untangling Ecological Complexity : The Macroscopic
Perspective Univ. of Chicago Press. Advocates a broad, pluralistic approach
to global problems by expanding the spatial and temporal scale of community
ecology. Bright, Christopher. 1999. "Invasive Species: Pathogens of Globalization."
Foreign Policy. Fall 1999. With increased world trade, invasive species
have become a policy issue as well as an ecological threat. Bronmark, Christer and Lars-Anders Hansson. 1989. The Biology of Lakes and
Ponds. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. A good introductory text in
limnology. Buchmann, Stephen L. and Gary Paul Nabhan. 1996. The Forgotten Pollinators.
Covelo, CA: Island Press. A lively and fascinating account of the ecological
and cultural context of plant-pollinator relationships. Byers, J. E. and L. Goldwasser. 2001. "Exposing the mechanism and timing
of impact of nonindigenous species on native species." Ecology 82,
1330-1343 (2001). The impacts of invading species may go unnoticed until it's
too late, this study suggests. Chave, J., H.C. Muller-Landau and S.A. Levin. 2002. "Comparing Classical
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American Naturalist 159, 1 - 23 (2002). A team from France's national
research agency, showed that both niche and neutral ecological models can reproduce
natural patterns of species abundance. Cao, Tim (ed). 1998. Behaviorial Ecology and Conservation Biology. Oxford,
UK: Oxford University Press. An interesting attempt to link behavioral ecology
and conservation biology. Chapin, F.S., et al. 1997. "Biotic Control Over the Functioning of Ecosystems."
Science 277(5325): 500-504. Biological communities shape their environments. Curtis, T. P., W.T. Sloan and J.W, Scannell. 2002. "Estimating prokaryotic
diversity and its limits." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
USA, doi:10.1073/pnas. 142680199. There could be more species of bacteria
in your back yard soil than all the species in the ocean, say UK researchers. DeMorales, C. M., et al. 2001. "Caterpillar-induced nocturnal plant volatiles
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than previously thought. Douds, D.D. and P.D. Millner. 1999. "Biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal
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Biological Conservation 83(1): 43-54. An undertaking of the genetic structure
of a population is vital to conservation efforts. This article gives a specific
example of this importance. Falkowski, Paul G. 2002. "The Ocean's Invisible forest." Scientific
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thought in balancing the earth's climate, absorbing about as much carbon each
year as all terrestrial plants. Gaston, Kevin J. and Tim M. Blackburn. Pattern and Process in MacroEcology.
London: Blackwell Pub. Discusses the importance of landscape scale patterns
and processes. Gibbs, J.P. 2000. "Monitoring populations." Pp: 213-247 in: Boitani,
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populations. Giraud, T., et al. 2002. "Evolution of supercolonies: the Argentine ants
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99, 708 - 712 (2002). A single super-colony of ants, with millions of nests
and billions of individuals, stretches 6,000 kilometres around Europe's Mediterranean
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Press. An overview of theory and empirical studies in population ecology. Hooper, D.U., et . al. 1997. "The Effects of Plant Composition and Diversity
on Ecosystem Processes." Science 277(5330):1 1302-1305. Contrary to modelers
predictions, biodiversity does play a role in stability. Howard, D. J. and S. H. Berlocher. 1998. Endless forms: Species and Speciation.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A compendium of modern understanding of evolution. Hubbell, S. P. 2001. The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography.
New Jersey: Princeton Univ. Press. Disregarding adaption and competitive advantages,
neutral models consider only random chance as the source of ecosystem diversity. Huber, Harald, et al. 2002. "A new phylum of Archaea represented by a
nanosized hyperthermophilic symbiont." Nature 417, 63-67 (2 May
2002). A newly discovered organism from the inhospitable environs of a submarine
hot vent has a tiny genome size, close to that calculated as the theoretical
minimum for a living entity. Hughes, J.B., G.C. Daily, and P.R. Ehrlich. 1997. "Population Diversity:
Its Extent and Extinction." Science 278(5338): 689-692. An attempt
to estimate the losses of distinct populations within species. Humphries, Christopher J. 1999. Clasdistic Biogeography. Oxford, UK:
The Oxford University Press. Cladistics uses distribution patterns of species
to study their historic and evolutionary relationships. Hunter, Malcolm L. 2001. Fundamentals of Conservation Biology. Blackwell
Press. A basic textbook in conservation biology. Kennedy, Theodore A., et al. 2002. "Biodiversity as a barrier to ecological
invation." Nature 417: 636-638. Studies of small experimental grassland
plots show that species diversity enhances invasion resistance by increasing
crowding and species richness in localized plant neighbourhoods. Klass, K.-D., et al. 2002. "Mantophasmatodea: a new insect order
with extant members in the Afrotropics." Science published online
(2002). The first new order of insects to be discovered for more than 80 years
was found in the mountains of Namibia. Lichatowich, J. 1999. Salmon Without Rivers. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A history of the Pacific salmon crisis. MacArthur, R. H., and E. O. Wilson. 1963. "An equilibrium theory of insular
zoogeography." Evolution 17: 373-387. The classic study of island
biogeography and one of the most influential papers in all of ecology. MacArthur, Robert H. and E. O. Wilson. 2001. The Theory of Island Biogeography.
Princeton Univ. Press. A reissue of their 1963 article. Matteson, S. W., et al. 1999. "Changes in the status, distribution, and
management of Double-crested Cormorants in Wisconsin." In USDA Tech.
Bull. No. 1879. Symposium on Double-crested Cormorants: Population Status
and Management Issues in the Midwest, p.27-46. December 1999. Discusses the
causes and effects of a population explosion of cormorants in the Great Lakes. Mauchamp, A. 1997. "Threats from Alien Plant Species in the Galapagos
Islands." Conservation Biology 11(1): 260-263. An example of the
effects introduced species have on endemic flora and fauna. McCullough, Dale R., ed. 1996. Metapopulations and Wildlife Conservation.
Covelo, CA: Island Press. Metapopulation theory is an important development
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pub. no. 7, p. 664-697. A classic study of evolutionary adaptation and specialization. Meffe, G. K. and C. R. Carroll. 1997. Principles of Conservation Biology
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population ecology. Merbach, M. A., et al. "Mass march of termites into the deadly trap."
Nature 415, 36 - 37 (2002) Nepenthes albomarginata, a carnivorous
pitcher plant from Brunei, lures a single species of termite (Hospitalitermes
bicolor) with white hairs that encircle the top of its bulbous, digestive
fluid-filled pitcher. This is the only know example of a carnivorous plant that
specializes so uniquely in its prey preference. Morell, Virginia. 1997. "On the Origin of (Amazonian) Species." Discover
18(4): 56-64. An interesting account of a taxonomic expedition to the Amazon. Morin, Peter J. 1999. Community Ecology. London: Blackwell. A good general
text. Nee, S. and R.M. May. 1997. "Extinction and the Loss of Evolutionary History."
Science 278(5338): 692-694. The conditions under which species have
evolved can never be recreated exactly. Nielsen, Claus. 2001. Animal Evolution: Interrelationships of the Living
Phyla (2nd ed). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Analyzes the evolutionary
relationships of the animal kingdom. Orians, G.H. 1997. "Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystem Processes."
Science and Progress 80(Part 1): 45-63. Diversity is an important ecological
factor. Packer, C. and T.M. Caro. 1997. "Foraging Costs in Social Carnivores."
Animal Behavior 54(5): 1317-1318. An examination of cooperation and selfishness
among African lions. Paracer, S. and V. Ahmadjian. 2000. Symbiosis: An Introduction to Biological
Associations. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. An introduction to all
aspects of symbiosis. Quammen, David. 1998. "Planet of Weeds." Harper's October,
1998. With the loss of native species and invasions of exotics, we may soon
live in a world of weeds. Quan, R. C., et al. 2002. "Effects of human activities on migratory waterbirds
at Lashihai Lake, China." Biological Conservation 108 (3): 273-279.
There's not much room for nature in the world's most populous country. Ricklefs, R. E. 1997. The Economy of Nature (4th ed.). New York: W.H. Freeman
and Co. A highly recommended textbook in basic ecology. Ricklefs, Robert and Dolph Schluter (eds). 1994. Species Diversity in Ecological
Communities: Historical and Geographic Perspectives. University of Chicago
Press. A comprehensive summary of community ecology. Roberts, B.W. and M.E. Newman. 1996. "A Model for Evolution and Extinction."
Journal of Theoretical Biology 180(1): 39-54. New ideas about what drives
evolution and extinction. Roubik, D. W. 2002. "The value of bees to the coffee harvest." Nature
417, 708 (2002). Coffee plants can self-pollinate but those pollinated by bees yield 50% more
beans than plants that are self-pollinated. Safina, Carl. 2001. "Albatross Wanderings." Audubon 103(1):
70-77, 85. A fascinating account of the travels of an albatross as it searches
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Asiatic black bears in the Tangjiahe Reserve, Chinain: Gittleman" in J.L.
(Ed.) Carnivore behavior, ecology and evolution. Ithaca: Cornell University
Press,pg. 212-241. A classic study of the effects of specialized diet
on panda populations in China. Schluter, Dolph. 2001. The Ecology of Adaptive Radiation (Oxford Series
in Ecology and Evolution). Oxford Univ. Press. Discusses the causes and
effects of divergent evolution. Simberloff, D. 1997. "Flagships, umbrellas, and keystones: is single-species
management passé in the landscape era?" Biological Conservation
83: 247-257. A good discussion of the concept of keystone species. Smith, R. L. 1990. Ecology and Field Biology (4th ed.) New York: Harper
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of any biological group, but human changes in their native lakes threatens their
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Scientific American 280(5): 68-74. Australian mammals were not all as
cute as koalas. Some were as ferocious as they were bizarre. An interesting
account of how evolution fills equivalent ecological roles in different biological
communities. |