1 |  |  Aldo Leopold is most noted for his view that |
|  | A) | stopping exponential population growth is the most important long term need. |
|  | B) | we must begin to see the land as a community to which we belong rather than as a commodity which we own. |
|  | C) | modern agriculture, with its soil erosion and high chemical use, is unsustainable. |
|  | D) | without private ownership of land, people will not be motivated to practice proper stewardship. |
2 |  |  Biomes are |
|  | A) | broad types of biological communities. |
|  | B) | areas of roughly the same climate. |
|  | C) | areas of similar soil and topography. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
3 |  |  The most important factor in determining the type of biome to develop in a given area of those listed is |
|  | A) | soil type. |
|  | B) | amount of sunlight. |
|  | C) | precipitation. |
|  | D) | glaciation patterns. |
4 |  |  The desert biome develops in those areas |
|  | A) | with low precipitation and high temperatures. |
|  | B) | with low precipitation and, depending on altitude, high or low temperatures. |
|  | C) | in the center of large continents. |
|  | D) | in association with mountain ranges. |
5 |  |  Grasslands typically lack trees because seedlings have difficulty surviving the |
|  | A) | low rainfall. |
|  | B) | high temperatures. |
|  | C) | frequent occurrence of fire. |
|  | D) | more than one of the above. |
6 |  |  Tundra is most closely associated with |
|  | A) | extreme cold and much precipitation. |
|  | B) | variable temperature and much precipitation. |
|  | C) | extreme cold and very low precipitation. |
|  | D) | variable temperature and very low precipitation. |
7 |  |  The boreal forest is |
|  | A) | dominated by coniferous trees. |
|  | B) | located where soils are typically dry. |
|  | C) | found in warm but not hot areas. |
|  | D) | characterized by tolerating a wide variety of temperatures and precipitation. |
8 |  |  Warm dry summers, major presence of fire, scrub oaks, and dense thickets typify |
|  | A) | taiga. |
|  | B) | boreal forest. |
|  | C) | deciduous forest. |
|  | D) | chaparral. |
9 |  |  Conifers are associated with all but |
|  | A) | boreal forest. |
|  | B) | temperate rain forest. |
|  | C) | taiga. |
|  | D) | tundra. |
10 |  |  Aquatic and terrestrial life share a need for |
|  | A) | carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. |
|  | B) | food and minerals for energy. |
|  | C) | oxygen for cellular respiration. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
11 |  |  Aquatic ecosystems typically show changes in ______ with increased depth. |
|  | A) | light availability |
|  | B) | oxygen availability |
|  | C) | nutrient availability |
|  | D) | all of the above |
12 |  |  The _____ is the most productive region of aquatic ecosystems. |
|  | A) | benthic zone. |
|  | B) | littoral zone. |
|  | C) | thermocline. |
|  | D) | abyssal zone. |
13 |  |  Estuaries are characterized as being |
|  | A) | highly productive. |
|  | B) | home to a great variety of species. |
|  | C) | important nurseries for many fish and other animal species. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
14 |  |  Important ecological services provided by wetlands include |
|  | A) | a reduction in flooding. |
|  | B) | detoxification of substances dissolved in water. |
|  | C) | replenishment of groundwater. |
|  | D) | all of the above and more. |
15 |  |  Humans |
|  | A) | have damaged or disturbed over half the world's terrestrial ecosystems, at least to some extent. |
|  | B) | and land disturbance have become the single greatest cause of species loss. |
|  | C) | are estimated to have directly or indirectly, redirected 40 percent of terrestrial net productivity. |
|  | D) | have produced all of the above impacts. |
16 |  |  Ecological restoration is a process whereby |
|  | A) | destroyed ecosystems are reconstructed. |
|  | B) | chemical contamination is removed from an area. |
|  | C) | severely degraded sites such as mine pits are modified to reshape the land. |
|  | D) | selected damaged characteristics of an ecosystem are rebuilt. |
17 |  |  A premise underlying ecosystem management is that |
|  | A) | progress toward social goals ultimately must take precedence over ecological goals. |
|  | B) | economic goals and ecological goals are in fundamental conflict. |
|  | C) | ecological, social, and economic goals must be integrated into a unified system approach. |
|  | D) | effective environmental management happens only at the local level. |
18 |  |  Ecosystem management principles include |
|  | A) | a focus on the species level of organization. |
|  | B) | use of political boundaries to define management units to avoid conflicts among different jurisdictions. |
|  | C) | the view that management plans must be flexible, responsive to uncertainty. |
|  | D) | a focus on the population level of organization as the main management unit. |
19 |  |  The category of wetland that always contains trees is the |
|  | A) | marsh. |
|  | B) | bog. |
|  | C) | swamp. |
|  | D) | fen. |
20 |  |  Coral reefs, among the most endangered communities of all, are being destroyed by |
|  | A) | destructive fishing practices. |
|  | B) | removal for building purposes. |
|  | C) | removal for use in aquariums. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
21 |  |  Unlike terrestrial communities, aquatic communities are rarely determined by the physical characteristics of the environment (other than the water itself). |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
22 |  |  Any ecosystem in which the land is submerged for at least part of the year and plants are adapted to saturated soils qualifies to be called a wetland. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
23 |  |  A premise of landscape ecology is that ecological processes are, by and large, independent of influences of spatial parameters. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
24 |  |  A perplexing question confronting ecosystem restoration is to which of several prior conditions should the system be restored. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
25 |  |  Critics of attempts at ecosystem management argue that given our lack of understanding of how natural ecosystems function, it is foolish of us to presume that we can successfully manage nature. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
26 |  |  Aquatic communities are influenced by land practices in their watersheds. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
27 |  |  Ecologically, barrier islands are not good places for development. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
28 |  |  Saline flats and marshes are particularly poor producers of food for waterfowl. |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |