Personality development |  |
Learning ObjectivesUpon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Define personality development. |
Define and distinguish three forms of personality stability: Rank-order stability, mean level stability, and personality coherence. |
Define personality change, including the two key features required for identification of "real" personality change. |
Identify and discuss the three levels of analysis for considering personality change and stability. |
Discuss the stability of temperaments during infancy. |
Discuss personality stability during childhood. |
Discuss empirical work examining the life trajectories of bullies and whipping boys from childhood to adulthood. |
Discuss empirical work on rank order personality stability in adulthood. |
Discuss empirical work on mean level personality stability in adulthood. |
Discuss work on changes in self-esteem from adolescence to adulthood, and day-to-day changes in self-esteem (self-esteem variability). |
Discuss empirical work on the changes over time in flexibility and impulsivity. |
Discuss empirical work on the changes over time in autonomy, dominance, leadership, and ambition. |
Discuss empirical work on the changes over time in sensation seeking. |
Discuss empirical work on the changes over time in femininity, competence, independence, and independence, based on the Mills College Study. |
Discuss the relationship between wife's personality, husband's personality, and subsequent marital dissatisfaction and divorce. |
Discuss the relationship between personality and subsequent alcoholism and emotional disturbance. |
Discuss the relationship between impulsivity and subsequent educational and academic achievement. |
Discuss empirical work on the relationships between childhood temper tantrums and adult outcomes such as criminality. |
Discuss work suggesting that choice of marriage partner predicts personality change and stability over time. |
Identify and discuss other personality dimensions besides traits that might change over time. |