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Chapter Objectives
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Sex and gender
Larsen/Buss cover

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:

Define and distinguish the terms sex difference and gender difference.

Identify and discuss the key positions regarding the appropriateness of studying sex and gender differences.

Identify and discuss key developments in the history of studying sex and gender differences.

Briefly define meta-analysis and effect size, including how effect sizes are interpreted.

Define and distinguish the minimalist and maximalist positions regarding sex differences.

Identify and discuss sex differences and similarities in the five major factors of personality.

Identify and discuss sex differences and similarities in self-esteem, sexuality, the people- things dimension, and depression.

Define masculinity, femininity, and androgyny.

Identify the key developments in research and theory on sex roles, including a discussion of masculinity, femininity, and androgyny.

Define and distinguish instrumentality and expressiveness.

Define and briefly discuss gender schemas.

Define gender stereotypes and discuss the three key components of gender stereotypes.

Discuss the socialization theory of sex differences, including a brief discussion of social learning theory.

Discuss the sex role theory of sex differences.

Discuss hormonal theories of sex differences.

Discuss evolutionary psychological theories of sex differences.

Discuss the key features of an integrated theory of sex differences.