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Personality Psychology
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Chapter Objectives
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True or False

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Disorders of personality
Larsen/Buss cover

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:

Review the history of the idea that something can go wrong with a person's personality.

Define the key components of a psychological disorder, as conceptualized by modern psychiatry.

Describe the key goals of the field of abnormal psychology.

Review the various definitions of "abnormal" and identify the modern psychiatric definition of abnormal.

Discuss the concept of a personality disorder, including a modern psychiatric definition.

Identify and discuss the key criteria for all personality disorders, according to modern psychiatry.

Compare and contrast the categorical and dimensional approaches to personality disorders.

Discuss the importance of taking into account the contexts of culture, age, and gender, when identifying the presence of a personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of antisocial personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of borderline personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of histrionic personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of narcissistic personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of schizoid personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of schizotypal personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of paranoid personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of avoidant personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of dependent personality disorder.

Discuss the key features of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Review the key features of a dimensional model of personality disorders.

Discuss key causes that have been proposed for personality disorders.