Summary, integration, and a look toward the future |  |
Chapter OutlineSummary and Possible Future Directions
- Personality psychologists seek to understand the whole of personality
- However, understanding the whole may be impossible
- Instead, the difficult task of understanding the whole person is best approached by breaking personality into its parts or domains
Current Status of the Field
- Personality psychologists doing research today focus on specific components or domains of knowledge about personality
- Starting about 50 years ago, personality psychologists began turning away from grand theories of personality (e.g., Freud's psychoanalysis)
- Whole of personality is the sun of its parts, and the understanding of the parts will provide an understanding of the whole
Domains of Knowledge: Where We've Been, Where We're Going
Biological Domain
- Core assumption of biological is that humans are biological systems
- Concerns factors within the body that influence or are related to personality
- Biological domain refers to the physical elements and biological systems in body that influence or are influenced by our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings
- Area likely to be active in the future is psychology of approach and avoidance
- More emphasis on genetic influences on personality, as well as work by genetic researchers identifying environmental influences on personality
- Personality research will continue on genetic influences at the molecular level
- Evolutionary perspectives will continue to gain in importance, adding a new layer of questions and insight to personality
Intrapsychic Domain
- Concerns factors within the mind that influence behavior, thoughts, and feelings—many of these influences are argued to operate at the unconscious level
- Psychologists will continue to be interested in the idea that people can have thoughts outside of conscious awareness
- Topic of repressed memories also is likely to receive attention by researchers and clinicians
Dispositional Domain
- Concerns aspects of personality that are stable and make people different from each other
- Trait psychologists will continue to focus on interaction of persons and situations
- Trait psychologists will continue to lead the way in developing new methods for measuring personality characteristics and new statistics for evaluating personality research
- Search will continue for traits not yet identified by lexical and statistical strategies of identifying individual differences
Cognitive-Experiential Domain
- Concerns subjective experiences and other mental process
- Psychologists are likely to continue to focus attention on self-concept and identity
- Likely that psychologists will incorporate the idea that identity is like a story, and that the narrative approach will continue to be part of personality psychology
- Psychologists will continue to investigate the notion that people construct their experiences, how this works, and what it tells us about personality
- Goal concepts and emotions will continue to be important within personality psychology
Social and Cultural Domain
- Personality does not reside merely in the heads, nervous systems, and genes of people
- Rather, personality affects, and is affected by, significant others in our lives
- At the cultural level, groups differ tremendously from one another
- Different cultures may evoke different facets of personality
- Study of culture and cross-cultural difference and similarities will continue to grow in personality psychology
- Whatever their origins, gender differences will continue to be of compelling interest to personality psychologists
Adjustment Domain
- Personality plays a key role in how we cope, adapt, and adjust to the ebb and flow of events in life
- Personality is linked with important health outcomes, health-related behaviors, and even how long we live
- Shift in personality psychology toward looking at the role of positive emotions
- Psychologists will continue to apply the trait approach to understanding personality disorders
Integration: Personality in the New Millennium
- Domains of knowledge are complementary, not conflicting
- The different domains seek answers to different questions
- Real action in personality research will be at boundaries of domains
- Progress in personality will depend on researchers' willingness and ability to reach across domains