An Evolutionary approach to personality |  |
Learning ObjectivesUpon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Describe the key features of evolution by natural selection. |
Define and provide an example of an adaptation. |
Describe the key features of evolution by sexual selection. Differentiate between intrasexual competition and intersexual competition. Provide examples of each of these two types of sexual selection. |
Discuss the concept of "differential gene reproduction." |
Describe "inclusive fitness theory." |
Discuss and provide examples of the three key products of the evolutionary process-adaptations, by-products of adaptations, and noise or random variation. |
Identify and discuss the three key premises of evolutionary psychology. |
Discuss the different levels of evolutionary analysis, differentiating between general evolutionary theory, middle-level theories, and specific hypotheses and predictions. |
Differentiate deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning, and discuss how modern evolutionary scientists use each strategy. |
Discuss how evolutionary psychologists approach the sex difference level of analysis. Include in your discussion brief reviews of theory and research on sex differences in aggression, jealousy, the desire for sexual variety, and mate preferences. |
Discuss how evolutionary psychologists approach the individual differences level of analysis. Include in your discussion a review of the three primary strategies for addressing individual differences: Environmental effects on species-typical patterns, adaptive self-assessment of heritable qualities, and frequency-dependent alternative strategies. |
Identify and discuss the key limitations of evolutionary perspectives on personality. |