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Please Note: It may not always be possible to include the necessary special characters, superscripts, subscripts, etc. in e-mail responses to this group of exercises. We suggest that you discuss this matter with your professor/class and decide upon a system for indicating such characters. You may cut/paste some characters and/or Greek letters from Microsoft Word, using the Insert menu. Alternatively, we suggest that you agree upon abbreviations for or spell out symbols, Greek letters, or characters and indicate superscripts and subscripts by using "sup", "sub", or up/down carats.
Determine the following:
Singly charged positive ions traveling at various speeds are introduced into the experimental apparatus shown in the following figure. The ions are first accelerated by the electric field established by placing a potential difference V1 across the vertical parallel plates. Next, they pass through the velocity selector. Finally, they enter a region where a magnetic field of 0.200 T exists.
The following figure shows a 2.00 kg, 2.00 m long conductor in a 4.00 T magnetic field. The magnetic field is in the xz plane.
A square coil of wire is mounted in a uniform magnetic field as shown below.
The following figure shows two parallel current-carrying wires held rigidly in place by wire mounts.