After studying the chapter, the student should be able to...
1.) Explain what is meant by the statement "color is a psychological phenomenon,
entirely subjective in nature?" 2.) Distinguish between the three qualities associated with color; hue, brightness,
and saturation. 3.) Distinguish between pure and composite light and discuss why this distinction
is important for the understanding of the process of color vision. 4.) Explain what is meant by color constancy and discuss the processes by which
it is achieved. 5.) Discuss the univariance principle and distinguish between monochromatic,
dichromatic, and trichromatic. Include in your discussion the implications of
each for color vision. 6.) Distinguish between the three different cone pigment types and discuss
the location and specific function of each. 7.) Discuss the evolutionary development of the cone photopigments. 8.) Discuss the evidence for the opponent-process theory of color vision proposed
by Hering in the nineteenth century and contrast it with the Young-Helmholtz
theory. 9.) Explain the physiological basis of the opponent-process theory and discuss
the possible advantages of such a biological process for color vision. 10.) Specify the brain regions thought to be involved in color vision and discuss
the ramifications of sustaining damage to these regions. 11.) Discuss the various forms of color vision deficiency and the underlying
causes of each.