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Busch Gardens recently announced that it will increase the entrance fees at its theme parks in order to increase park revenues. Busch Gardens must believe that...
A)the demand for theme park attractions is elastic.
B)theme park goers are very responsive to price changes.
C)demand is unitary elastic, and thus the number of visitors will NOT decrease.
D)the percentage increase in fees will be greater than the percentage decrease in the number of theme park visitors.

The coefficient of demand elasticity, E,
A)describes how the firm's total cost changes as price changes.
B)measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in the price of the good.
C)is the percentage change in the price of the good divided by the percentage change in
D)both b and c
E)none of the above

The cross-price elasticity of demand between two goods, X and Y...
A)is less than zero if X and Y are substitutes.
B)is the percentage change in the price of Y divided by the percentage change in the quantity of X demanded.
C)measures the responsiveness of the quantity of X demanded to changes in the price of Y.
D)both a and c
E)all of the above

Marginal revenue...
A)is the change in total revenue when output increases by one unit.
B)decreases as output increases.
C)is always greater than zero.
D)both a and b
E)all of the above

When marginal revenue is positive,
A)marginal revenue is greater than price.
B)demand is elastic.
C)increasing price will increase total revenue.
D)both b and c
E)none of the above

The next four questions refer to the following table showing a demand schedule:
PriceQuantity Demanded
If price falls from $250 to $200, what is the elasticity of demand over this range?

As output increases from 2,100 to 2,700 what is marginal revenue?

If price falls from $250 to $200,
A)arrows representing the price and quantity effects both point down.
B)an arrow representing the price effect points down and is shorter than an arrow for the quantity effect.
C)an arrow representing the price effect points down and is longer than an arrow for the quantity effect.
D)arrows representing the price and quantity effects both point up.
E)total revenue moves in the same direction as the arrow representing the price effect.

If price falls from $200 to $150,
A)arrows representing the price and quantity effects both point down.
B)an arrow representing the price effect points down and is shorter than an arrow for the quantity effect.
C)total revenue moves in the same direction as the arrow representing the price effect. total revenue moves in the same direction as the arrow representing the quantity effect.
D)both b and c

If the price elasticity of digital video disk (DVD) players is -1.5 and price decreases 20%, what happens to the quantity of DVD players demanded?
A)quantity increases by 7.5%
B)quantity increases by 30%
C)quantity decreases by 13%
D)quantity decreases by 1.5%
E)none of the above

If the own-price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.6 and quantity demanded decreases by 30%, price must have...
A)decreased by 0.6%.
B)decreased by 18%.
C)increased by 20%.
D)increased by 50%.
E)none of the above

The demand for orthodontic treatment (braces) is price inelastic. So it follows that...
A)the percentage change in price is less than the resulting percentage change in quantity demanded.
B)if the price of orthodontic treatment increases, total expenditure by consumers on orthodontic treatment will rise.
C)changes in price do not affect the number of treatments demanded.
D)both b and c
E)none of the above

Which of the following would tend to DECREASE the elasticity of demand for good X?
A)The cost of producing X declines.
B)New substitutes for X become available from other firms.
C)Consumers begin spending a smaller percentage of their income on X.
D)both b and c
E)all of the above

Which of the following would tend to INCREASE the elasticity of demand for good X?
A)a new discovery allows firms to produce X at a much lower cost.
B)the percentage of a consumer's income spent on good X increases.
C)a new product, Y, which can be used in place of X, is introduced.
D)both b and c
E)all of the above

The demand for good X will be more elastic than the demand for good Y when...
A)good X has more substitutes than good Y.
B)good X accounts for a smaller percentage of a typical consumer's budget than good Y.
C)consumers have more time to adjust to a change in the price of good X than they have time to adjust to a change in the price of good Y.
D)both a and c
E)all of the above

Total revenue increased for a firm operating in the elastic range of its demand curve. Which of the following statements is correct?
A)Quantity demanded must have increased.
B)The firm must have raised price.
C)The firm must have lowered price.
D)both a and c
E)both b and c

Refer to the table in Question 6. The equation for demand is
A)P = 4,500 - 12.5Q
B)P = 375 - 0.083Q
C)Q = 750 - 60P.
D)Q = 4,000 - 12P.
E)none of the above

Refer to the table in Question 6. The equation for marginal revenue is
A)MR = 375 - 0.01Q.
B)MR = 750 - 0.20Q.
C)MR = 4,500 - 25Q.
D)MR = 375 - 0.166Q.
E)none of the above

Demand is unitary elastic...
A)for all prices on a downward-sloping linear demand curve.
B)at the maximum total revenue of a firm facing a downward-sloping linear demand curve.
C)at the midpoint of a downward-sloping linear demand curve.
D)b and c.
E)none of the above.

If demand is unitary elastic and the manager increases the price of the good,
A)there will be no change in demand.
B)demand for the good will increase and total revenue will increase.
C)demand for the good will decrease and total revenue will decrease.
D)demand for the good will increase and total revenue will remain the same as before.
E)demand for the good will decrease and total revenue will remain the same as before.

Thomas & Maurice - OLCOnline Learning Center

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