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Discussion Questions
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  1. If your family had a highly successful business, would succession to the next generation (you and/or your siblings) likely be smooth, or would there be the potential for conflict and hurt feelings? What would be a "fair" way to set up succession?
  2. Do you believe the laws should be changed to make it easier for entrepreneurs to go into, and recover from, bankruptcy? What are the implications of your answer for the entrepreneur, creditors, and the national economy?
  3. What are the issues facing an entrepreneur in deciding whether or not the business needs to be put into bankruptcy today?
  4. The following role plays require you to think and act as if you were the person being described in the situation being described.
    1. Role play 1. One student prepares and presents a speech as if she or he is an entrepreneur informing employees that her or his business has failed and will not be operating from tomorrow on. The rest of the class can respond and ask questions as if they are devoted employees upset about losing their jobs.
    2. Role play 2. In small groups, role-play the interchange between an entrepreneur of a failed business expressing his or her negative emotions and a friend providing advice on how to best cope with the situation.

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