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Discussion Questions
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  1. Isn't "corporate entrepreneurship" an oxymoron? Do the characteristics of an established organization, such as its routines and structure, increase efficiency but at the same time kill any entrepreneurial spirit? Is there any way that a company can have the best of both worlds?
  2. Is increasing the entrepreneurial orientation of a firm always a good thing? Or are there circumstances or environments in which the further pursuit of opportunities can diminish firm performance?
  3. Do you believe that an entrepreneur enters and completes one stage of the entrepreneurial process before moving on to the next one? Or is it a case of moving backward and forward in an iterative fashion?
  4. Why does an entrepreneur need to be aware of the dynamics associated with time? How can entrepreneurs manage time and/or use it to their own advantage? Are there ways that entrepreneurs can change time-that is, make a clock start ticking earlier, make it tick faster or slower, or make it tick at a different rate for them relative to that for competitors?

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