Interview two women entrepreneurs and find out whether they believe that the tasks of being an entrepreneur are different for them than for their male counterparts. What are the advantages of being a female entrepreneur? What are the disadvantages of being a female entrepreneur? Are these differences substantial or minor?
Interview two minority entrepreneurs and find out whether they believe that the tasks of being an entrepreneur are different for them than for their "nonminority" counterparts. What are the advantages of being a minority entrepreneur? What are the disadvantages? Are these differences substantial or minor?
Are female entrepreneurs more likely to start certain businesses than male entrepreneurs? Are minority entrepreneurs more likely to start certain businesses than nonminority entrepreneurs? Provide evidence (including statistics) to support your answer.
Speak to three entrepreneurs and find out what motivated them to become entrepreneurs. Also find one person who, at one time, considered becoming an entrepreneur but did not do so. Find out why this person did not become an entrepreneur.
Research the biographical/personal accounts of five entrepreneurs. What do they say are the key factors that led them to pursue an entrepreneurial career?
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