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Research Tasks
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  1. In this country, what proportion of all businesses are (a) proprietorships, (b) partnerships, (c) private companies, and (d) public companies? Provide an example of an industry that has a large share of proprietorships. Why is this the case? Provide an example of an industry that has a large share of partnerships. Why is this the case? Provide an example of an industry that has a large share of private companies. Why is this the case? Provide an example of an industry that has a large share of public companies. Why is this the case?
  2. How much does it cost to set up a private company? What are the ongoing costs?
  3. Study the local newspaper and choose three good examples and three poor examples of job advertisements. Be prepared to explain your choices.
  4. Interview five entrepreneurs about their use of a board of advisors. Ask who is on the board, how the members were selected, how they were encouraged to join the board, how useful the board has been, and so on.

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