Damodar Gujarati,
West Point Military Academy Sangeetha, Formerly with XLRI,
ISBN: 0070660050 Copyright year: 2007
What's New
Matrix approach to linear regression condensed: To make the book more accessible to the non-specialist, the discussion of the matrix approach to linear regression has been moved from old Chapter 9 to Appendix C. Appendix C is slightly expanded to include some advanced material for the benefit of the more mathematically inclined students.
Chapters on Econometric Modeling Improved and Condensed: Chapter 13 on econometric modeling replaces old chapters 13 and 14. This chapter has several new topics that the applied researcher will find particularly useful. These include a compact discussion of model selection criteria, such as Akaike information criterion, Schwarz information criterion, Mallow's Cp criterion, and forecast chi-square.
New Chapter on Nonlinear Regression Models: Chapter 14 on nonlinear regression models is new. Because of the easy availability of statistical software, it is no longer difficult to estimate regression models that are nonlinear in the parameters. Some econometric models are intrinsically nonlinear in the parameters and need to be estimated by iterative methods. This chapter discusses and illustrates some comparatively simple methods of estimating nonlinear-in-parameter regression models.
New material on panel data modeling models: Chapter 16 on panel data regression models is new. A panel data combines features of both time series and cross-section data. Because of increasing availability of panel data in the social sciences, panel data regression models are being increasingly used by researchers in many fields. This chapter provides a non-technical discussion of the fixed effects and random effects models that are commonly used in estimating regression models based on panel data.
Appendix A on statistical concepts has been expanded. Appendix C discusses the linear regression model using matrix algebra. This is for the benefit of the more advanced students as it provides more challenged and advanced discussion and practice.
Contains 50 new data sets dealing with actual economic data drawn from both economics and other social sciences. These new data sets will keep the material fresh, and because they are drawn from actual sources, underscore the relevance of the material covered.
Extensive information about websites relating to economic data has been added. The Internet is an increasingly important tool in analyzing economic data, and this new feature aids students in doing econometric research via the Web.
Concrete examples from a variety of disciplines. As in the previous editions, all the econometric techniques discussed in this book are illustrated examples, several of which are based on concrete data from various disciplines.
Data CD included with book. The data CD contains all numerical data that are included in the chapters to illustrate various econometric techniques as well as the numerical data included in the Problem section of the end of chapter Exercises.