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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Stoichiometry, 5/e

B.I. Bhatt
S.B. Thakore

ISBN: 0070681147
Copyright year: 2010

Salient Features

The meticulously revised and updated edition of this most acclaimed book for last three decades presents the fundamentals of Stoichiometry in a simple and forthright manner and provides the broad background for applying these principles to industrial and theoretical problems.

Salient Features :

 Detailed discussions on material and energy balances of unsteady state operation.

 Unique chapter on Stoichiometry and Digital Computation.

 Includes new topical coverage on :

    * Hess’s law for Standard Enthalpy of Formation

    * Heat effects of Absorption with Chemical Reactions

    * Multicomponent condensation of real (non-ideal) systems and its effect on design of process equipments

    * Development of Enthalpy-Concentration chart for different systems

 Use of pure component pressure in deriving properties of real gases

 Thoroughly and methodically revised appendices covering the latest data published in the recent past in reputed international journals.

 Symbols and conversions updated as per the recommendations made by IUPAC.

 Use of Matrix Algebra in solving material balance problems with mathematical software—MATHCAD, MATLAB.

 Rich pedagogy :

    * 202 Solved examples

    * 337 Exercises

Small Cover

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