Business Environment
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Business Environment: Text and Cases, 3/e

Justin Paul, Foster School of Buss, University of Washington

ISBN: 007070077x
Copyright year: 2010

Table of Contents

PART ONE : Political Economy, Development Economics, Government and Society
1. Nature and Dynamics of Business Environment
2. Political Environment and Economic Systems
3. Economic Growth and Development

PART TWO : Indian Economy and Business Environment
4. Anatomy of the Indian Economy
5. Globalisation and Business Environment

PART THREE : Industrial Policies and Regulatory Structure
6. Industrial Policy
7. Industry Analysis: Textiles, Electronics and Automobiles
8. Industry Analysis—FMCG, Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Sectors

PART FOUR : Economic Policies
9. Privatisation: Problems and Prospects
10. Fiscal Policy, Union Budget and Taxation
11. Monetary Policy and Banking Sector Reforms

PART FIVE : Technology and Business Environment
12. Technological Environment of Business

PART SIX : Investment Environment, Opportunities and Indicators: Legal and Regulatory Systems
13. Capital Market, Stock Exchanges, and Present Scenario
14. Legal Environment of Business, Mergers and Acquisitions

PART SEVEN : International Economic and Business Environment
15. Global Recession and New Business Environment
16. WTO: Agreements and Current Issues
17. India’s Trade Policy
18. External Sector—BoP, Currency Convertibility, ADR-GDRs and FEMA
19. Global Outsourcing
20. Multinational Companies and Foreign Direct Investment

PART EIGHT : Social Environment
21. Social Environment in India and China
22. Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

PART NINE : Global Economy and Business Environment
23. Economic and Business Environment in Europe
24. Economic and Business Environment in SAARC Countries
25. Economic and Business Environment in East and South-East Asian Countries
26. Economic and Business Environment in South America
27. Economic and Business Environment in North America

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