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Section 11.2
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What happens to light during the phenomenon of partial reflection and refraction?
A)Both refraction of light and reflection of light occur, and the amount of refraction is equal to the amount of reflection.
B)Both refraction of light and reflection of light occur, but the amount of refraction is not equal to the amount of reflection.
C)Either refraction or reflection occurs, but never at the same time.
D)Neither refraction nor reflection occurs.
What type of angle of incidence produces an angle of refraction of 90 degrees?
C)internal reflection
What happens when the angle of incidence is larger than the critical angle?
A)All the light is refracted into the second medium and no reflection occurs.
B)All the light is reflected back into the first medium and no refraction occurs.
C)Refraction and reflection occur at the boundary between the two media.
D)The refracted ray lies along the boundary between the two media.
What is one of the criteria that must be met before total internal reflection can occur?
A)The light must be traveling from a medium where its speed is low to a medium where its speed is high.
B)The light must be traveling from a medium where its speed is high to a medium where its speed is low.
C)The angle of incidence must be smaller than the critical angle.
D)The angle of incidence must be equal to the critical angle.
What happens to light when the angle of incidence is small?
A)More light reflects than refracts.
B)More light refracts than reflects.
C)The amount of light refracted is equal to the amount of light reflected.
D)The light is completely reflected and does not refract at all.
What happens to light as the angle of incidence increases?
A)As the angle of incidence increases, more and more light reflects than refracts.
B)As the angle of incidence increases, less and less light reflects than refracts.
C)As the angle of incidence increases, light eventually stops reflecting and only refraction occurs.
D)As the angle of incidence increases, total internal reflection eventually causes only reflection to occur.

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