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Section 4.1
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What is an ionic compound?
A)An ionic compound is a compound composed of positively charged ions.
B)An ionic compound is a compound composed of negatively charged ions.
C)An ionic compound is a compound composed of ions with opposite charges.
D)An ionic compound is a compound composed entirely of cations.
What is a cation?
A)A cation is an ion that is positively charged.
B)A cation is an ion that is negatively charged.
C)A cation is an ion that is neutral.
D)A cation is a compound that is oppositely charged.
What are the rules for naming binary ionic compounds?
A)The first part of the name identifies the negative ion; the second part identifies the positive ion.
B)The first part of the name identifies the positive ion and the second part identifies the negative ion.
C)The first part of the name identifies the non-metal anion and the second part of the name identifies the metal cation.
D)The first part of the name identifies the metal cation and always ends with the suffix “-ide,” and the second part of the name identifies the non-metal anion.
When the chemical formula for a binary ionic compound is written, the sum of the positive and negative charges from the ions is…
D)positive or negative, depending on which cations and anions are included.
What is the first step in writing the chemical formula for a binary ionic compound?
A)Balance the total charge of ions to neutral.
B)Identify each ion and its charge.
C)Use subscripts to show the ratio of ions.
D)Note the ratio of cations to anions.
What is the difference between a binary compound and a ternary compound?
A)A binary compound is composed of only two different elements. A ternary compound can be composed of an unlimited number of elements.
B)A binary compound does not include any polyatomic ions; a ternary compound does.
C)When writing the chemical formula for binary compounds, the combined total charge for the ions must be zero, but the combined total charge for the ions in ternary compounds is not neutral.
D)A binary compound includes two polyatomic ions. A ternary compound includes three polyatomic ions.

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