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Section 6.1
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What is a binary acid composed of?
A)chlorine and a metal
B)chlorine and a non-metal
C)hydrogen and a non-metal
D)hydrogen and a metal
Which of the following is one of the three steps used in naming a binary acid?
A)Write the root of the metal name.
B)Add the suffix “hydro” to the root name.
C)Add the ending “-ic acid” to the root name.
D)Add the ending “-ide acid” to the root name.
What are the components of an oxoacid?
A)hydrogen and oxygen
B)oxygen and one other element
C)hydrogen and one other element
D)hydrogen, oxygen, and one other element
What is a base?
A)A base is a compound that forms hydroxide ions when it is dissolved in water.
B)A base is a compound that forms hydrogen ions when it is dissolved in water.
C)A base is a compound that forms hydroxide ions when it is evaporated.
D)A base is a compound that forms hydrogen ions when it is evaporated.
Which of the following events happens during the process of dissociation (when a base dissolves in water)?
A)The ions combine with one another and produce hydroxide gas.
B)The ions combine with one another and produce hydrogen gas.
C)The ions separate from one another, and hydroxide ions are released in the water.
D)The ions separate from one another, and hydrogen ions are released in the water.
If an oxoacid is formed from hydrogen and polyatomic ions, what are the rules for naming the oxoacid?
A)If the anion name ends in “-ate” or “-ite,” it is replaced with “-ic” and the word “acid” is added.
B)If the anion name ends in “-ate” or “-ite,” it is replaced with “-ous” and the word “acid.”
C)If the anion name ends in “-ate”, it is replaced with “-ic” and the word “acid.” If the name ends with “-ite”, it is replaced with “-ous” and the word “acid.”
D)If the anion name ends with “-ate”, then it is replaced with “-ous” and the word “acid.” If the anion name ends with “-ite”, then it is replaced with “-ic” and the word “acid.”

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