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Section 8.2
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Concentration is used to measure…
A)gases only. It is the amount of one gaseous substance within a mixture of gases.
B)liquids only. It is the amount of one liquid substance within a liquid solution.
C)solids only. It is the amount of solid particles within another substance.
D)the amount of one substance within another substance.
What is the effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
A)They produce a cooling effect on the Earth’s atmosphere.
B)They reflect thermal energy.
C)They release radiation as thermal energy into the atmosphere.
D)They absorb and prevent the escape of thermal energy from Earth’s atmosphere.
What is a sink?
A)A sink is a process that removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
B)A sink is a process that adds greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
C)A sink is a type of greenhouse gas similar to carbon dioxide and methane.
D)A sink is a greenhouse gas that enters the atmosphere by evaporation.
Name the greenhouse gas that is composed of three atoms of oxygen.
A)carbon dioxide
C)nitrous oxide
What does the acronym CFC mean?
A)chemically formed compound
B)chlorine fluorine compound
C)chlorofluoro compound
What is the anthropogenic greenhouse effect?
A)It refers to the ability of a substance to absorb thermal energy, and the effect it has on warming the atmosphere.
B)It refers to the changes in the atmosphere that occur whenever greenhouse gases are removed from the atmosphere.
C)It refers to the addition to the atmosphere of greenhouse gases created by human activities, and how these gases affect the atmosphere’s ability to absorb and prevent the escape of thermal energy.
D)It refers to the depletion of the ozone layer whenever CFCs are released into the atmosphere.

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