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Western Alienation: Myths and Realities
A former leader of the Reform Party of Canada, Preston Manning talks about new sources of western alienation in the 21st century.
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The Atlantic Accord Dispute
Alberta's dispute with the federal government in the 1970s reemerged in 2007 when Ottawa and the East Coast provinces disagreed over how to treat off-shore oil revenues. This news report outlines the main issues in the standoff between the federal and provincial governments.
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'Have-not' Ontario to receive equalization money
Pressure on Ontario manufacturing has moved the province into "have-not" status for the first time in its history. As this news article reported, the federal Finance Minister expected that Ontario would need equalization payments into the foreseeable future.
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Official Bilingualism in Canada
Author Jay Makarenko has prepared this history of Canadian language policy which provides background to discussion of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism.
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Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism
This Canadian Encyclopedia entry discusses the Commission's goals, findings and the establishment of official bilingualism in Canada in 1969.
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The Challenge of Diversity - the Federal Experience: Canada
A lively video presentation about Canadian diversity and federal-provincial relations.
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Turtle Island Network
This native-owned news site contains extensive documentation on historic and contemporary land claims. It offers commentary from the perspective of aboriginal people.
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Ethnic diversity and immigration
Statistics Canada provides analysis of census data in text and charts that project ever higher levels of ethnic diversity and urbanization for Canada's population into 2017.
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Canadian Space Agency
The Canadian Space Agency has prepared different views of the agency's programs and activities that are tailored to specific audiences. Through portals designed for scientists, educators or students, website visitors can find appropriate material on the Canadarm, Dextre and Radarsat-2 technologies.
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